forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Or the time I slipped off a curb in stilettos and cracked my mandible.

This is the most Eris injury I can think of

Deleted user

Or the time I slipped off a curb in stilettos and cracked my mandible.

This is the most Eris injury I can think of

It was glorious let me tell you. My fall was a perfect "flailing wild princess curtsy", my head hitting the curb with at stunning crack that just emulates Bad News^TM. I was lifted by a ginormous Angel–Roger the Bouncer–to safety and he took care of me while an ambulance came.

@The-Magician group

Most names are actually the same in other languages too.

My birth name derives from the Latin ‘Aemilia



May I ask what it is?

You may ask, however I shan’t answer

@Pickles group

Either tendonitis in my Achilles that didn't heal properly or me being a clumsy butt for a whole year in elementary school and repeatedly falling on my knees and completely ripping them up. Still have scars
I don't think my scoliosis counts cause it's not really an injury

Deleted user

My worst injury was probably my knee thing
I jumped a fence
And came down wrong
There was a loud tear/pop
And I tore the cartilage in my knee and bruised the bone, both severely
But because I was jumping a fence for reasons I will not disclose for fear of the law, I had to keep running
So I laid on the grass for a second literally dizzy with pain
And then adrenaline did its thing and I sped outta there

cut to six months on crutches and surgery

@Pickles group

Oh! Also when I was Baby!Pickles, I was crawling on the floor and I slipped. I cracked my head open and knocked two of my teeth loose. But I don't remember that (obviously) and all I have left is a scar that's only visible sometimes so it's fine

@Anemone eco

My sister did something similar to that once. When she was younger, she was standing on a latter trying to get something from a high cabinet and fell. She cracked her head open and she still has an indentation in her head to this day.

@ElderGod-kirky group

I finally got my braces off! Painful as shit tho. Since a joint in my jaw is fucked up, I have to dislocate it to open my mouth at a certain point. The lady kept saying to "open big big" and, while I'm already in pain from my gums getting torn up, I'm trying to telepathically tell her that I physically cannot open wider if I don't want to suddenly bite down on a running drill due to an intense pain caused by holding said dislocated jaw in position. And I couldn't exactly tell her 'cause there was a drill in my mouth.

Deleted user

aaaaaah i’m getting my braces off next month rather than this month and I am very jealous

@HighPockets group

I broke a finger doing bunting practice, swerved into the wall during an exit in rehearsal (which gave me a black nail for 3 weeks) and forgot to wear swim shoes at a public pool, which resulted in a lot of plantar warts that were very hard to get rid of.


I'd like to be rude to this entire situation in general.

If my brother wasn't an idiot and didn't throw away the only box that had the prescription number, I wouldn't have had to talk to an incompetent, judgemental pharmacist who directed me to the health clinic on the day they were closed for holiday. Fuck this.

@HighPockets group

I'd like to be rude to my cold because I'm not paying attention to anything and typed 'linkcat' into my search bar as 'kinkcat' and I thank any and all potential deities that I caught that before hitting 'search'.

@HighPockets group

For context: LINKcat is a holds placing system for southern Wisco libraries, and I'm ordering a bunch of new releases that I want. Just realized it might not exist in other states lol.

Deleted user

Baylee hates when I laugh and don't tell him what I'm laughing about.

@The-Magician group

Update on the guy from work:
He saw my new outfit, and he is literally obsessing over it. Like the fact it is all colour. And mom jeans
I think I know what his type is now— PASTEL GOTH!!