forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

I'm just going to go on a small rant that probably none of you will understand/

Yes Noah! We get it! I don't have a large chest! Both you and my mum agree on that! But that doesn't mean you get to say how you like small chested Italian girls! WHEN I HAVE TOLD YOU THAT I AM NOT A FUCKING GIRL!

Deleted user

do y’all ever feel like you have no friends who actually like you, and that you’ll be everyone’s second choice, forever? no one likes me best, as a friend, as a daughter, as a student. it sucks.


do y’all ever feel like you have no friends who actually like you, and that you’ll be everyone’s second choice, forever? no one likes me best, as a friend, as a daughter, as a student. it sucks.

I know that feel… I've just stopped worrying about being anyone's "favorite" and tried to accept that no matter what, hundreds of people out there do love and care about me, even if I'm not first place.

Wait, heck, this is the rudeness chat… Uhhhh…

パンケーキ everything. There.

Deleted user

i guess, but it’s hard. and sometimes people just use me to get test answers and stuff.


i guess, but it’s hard. and sometimes people just use me to get test answers and stuff.

oh boy, i can 10000000000% relate to that

@HighPockets group

I'm just going to go on a small rant that probably none of you will understand/

Yes Noah! We get it! I don't have a large chest! Both you and my mum agree on that! But that doesn't mean you get to say how you like small chested Italian girls! WHEN I HAVE TOLD YOU THAT I AM NOT A FUCKING GIRL!

Oh my God that's really fucking disgusting….who the hell looks at someone and goes "Hmmmm I like small chested Italian girls"?! That's so fucking gross to say to someone, especially if you've told him you're not a girl.
If someone looked at me and said "I like medium-chested Italian/British/German girls" I'd probably throw up…..

@HighPockets group

do y’all ever feel like you have no friends who actually like you, and that you’ll be everyone’s second choice, forever? no one likes me best, as a friend, as a daughter, as a student. it sucks.

Oh same


I can’t relate to the “used for answers” thing but that’s because I’m behind on basically every subject (the exceptions being Spelling and Religion, which no one ever asks for help with)

Deleted user

I'm just going to go on a small rant that probably none of you will understand/

Yes Noah! We get it! I don't have a large chest! Both you and my mum agree on that! But that doesn't mean you get to say how you like small chested Italian girls! WHEN I HAVE TOLD YOU THAT I AM NOT A FUCKING GIRL!

I'm really confused, are you saying that I said that…?

Deleted user

I'm just going to go on a small rant that probably none of you will understand/

Yes Noah! We get it! I don't have a large chest! Both you and my mum agree on that! But that doesn't mean you get to say how you like small chested Italian girls! WHEN I HAVE TOLD YOU THAT I AM NOT A FUCKING GIRL!

I'm really confused, are you saying that I said that…?

No, there's a Noah that I know that's not you.
If you know you didn't say that, why would you ask that?

Deleted user

I'm just going to go on a small rant that probably none of you will understand/

Yes Noah! We get it! I don't have a large chest! Both you and my mum agree on that! But that doesn't mean you get to say how you like small chested Italian girls! WHEN I HAVE TOLD YOU THAT I AM NOT A FUCKING GIRL!

I'm really confused, are you saying that I said that…?

No, there's a Noah that I know that's not you.
If you know you didn't say that, why would you ask that?

Because people can be fucking retarded, and I don't mean this about you, but people in general.
Somehow, somebody got "He called us lousy drunks" from "Alcohol makes me uncomfortable and I'd prefer not to be around it."

Deleted user

I'm just going to go on a small rant that probably none of you will understand/

Yes Noah! We get it! I don't have a large chest! Both you and my mum agree on that! But that doesn't mean you get to say how you like small chested Italian girls! WHEN I HAVE TOLD YOU THAT I AM NOT A FUCKING GIRL!

I'm really confused, are you saying that I said that…?

No, there's a Noah that I know that's not you.
If you know you didn't say that, why would you ask that?

Because people can be fucking retarded, and I don't mean this about you, but people in general.
Somehow, somebody got "He called us lousy drunks" from "Alcohol makes me uncomfortable and I'd prefer not to be around it."



random rant but why the fuck are borderline upper class rich white people so goddamn fake?
like yeah, I get it, all the exchange kids are loaded except for me. do I give a fuck that the austrian girl goes and gets wasted at parties while her rich ass parents pay for everything? do I care that no one seems to enjoy being around the clearly uncomfortable dysphoric kid who just had to deal with a loved one's death? yeah, just a fucking little. goddamn rich parents who hosted us just loved to accidentally flaunt their wealth while being so casual. yeah, thanks for hosting us and everything, but I didn't necessarily enjoy being singled out as the kid who lives in a tiny 60+ year old house and is the only one who apparently has no cool stories or things to talk about without sounding like an accidental hobo. whoops, sorry, I'm broke and don't enjoy being patronized :/

Deleted user

I feel you. Yes, I'm white. Yes, I'd probably be considered "middle class" and "well off". But in America it sucks because the middle class has too much to lose by fighting back but rarely gets enough and has too much to gain as well. At least in my city we try and work towards change.

Deleted user

Also, I'm hoping you'll get through the rough time you're having. I'm not sorry, you said you didn't want to be patronized, I'm not in understanding, while I'm experiencing a loved one passing away myself and going through some body dysphoria to boot, I can't ever understand or relate to your situation. The most I can do is be a good listener but even then I don't want to make you uncomfortable. I hope you'll be okay eventually, and until then whether you want me to chat or to leave you alone, I'll help in any way I can.


Thanks fam. I mean that I don’t like the older people around coming up to me every five seconds asking if I’m okay and treating me like one little thing is gonna set me off. Doesn’t help that I finally bought some cargo pants/shorts and my dad was a dick until he made me change my pants. Hello, dysphoria

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

do y’all ever feel like you have no friends who actually like you, and that you’ll be everyone’s second choice, forever? no one likes me best, as a friend, as a daughter, as a student. it sucks.

I know that feel… I've just stopped worrying about being anyone's "favorite" and tried to accept that no matter what, hundreds of people out there do love and care about me, even if I'm not first place.

Wait, heck, this is the rudeness chat… Uhhhh…

パンケーキ everything. There.




I'm too much of a weakling to use curse words so I started replacing them with either "pancake", pancake-related things, or "pancake" translated into different languages (mostly Japanese because that's the only other keyboard I have on my phone). Why pancakes of all things? It's a long story…

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group


I'm too much of a weakling to use curse words so I started replacing them with either "pancake", pancake-related things, or "pancake" translated into different languages (mostly Japanese because that's the only other keyboard I have on my phone). Why pancakes of all things? It's a long story…

I'm willing to listen



I'm too much of a weakling to use curse words so I started replacing them with either "pancake", pancake-related things, or "pancake" translated into different languages (mostly Japanese because that's the only other keyboard I have on my phone). Why pancakes of all things? It's a long story…

I'm willing to listen

Lmao I'm not. Please stop saying pancake it makes me want to pull my hair out because you're making yourself sound like you're five and you're not. Either curse or dont. Don't use substitute words unless you're doing it ironically because you saying "pancake" instead of a word like "fuck" is genuinely painful to read