forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Ella, shut the fuck up.

Sorry, I don't really feel like it at the moment, maybe I will someday when I actually give a flip about your opinions.

(I'm joking, I actually don't mind you/your opinions even if they're just telling me to shut the - up, I was just trying to seem more rude-ish… I know it's pathetic I'm not very good at this I should probably stop excessively apologizing for my awful attempts at roasting why am I still speaking aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh)

Deleted user

Ella, shut the fuck up.

Sorry, I don't really feel like it at the moment, maybe I will someday when I actually give a flip about your opinions.

(I'm joking, I actually don't mind you/your opinions even if they're just telling me to shut the - up, I was just trying to seem more rude-ish… I know it's pathetic I'm not very good at this I should probably stop excessively apologizing for my awful attempts at roasting why am I still speaking aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh)

I actually don't know why you're speaking.
Because it seems like I'm the one that doesn't care about your opinion.

Deleted user

PLEASE stop writing small, it’s impossible to read especially with the cross through .


Correct, I'm not a writer yet, I'm still learning. I have all sorts of characters and stories that I wish to one day put to paper, sure I haven't actually written them out, but a lot of people here haven't either. I don't consider/call myself a writer because I haven't written any stories, but that doesn't mean I'm not writing any.

Well thank you for proving my point. Next!

First off, I did not come here to talk to friends. I didn't know anyone on this site when I first joined, and I didn't even start speaking to people for at least a week. I came here with the intent of finally turning my little ideas into a decent story, and I still work on that today, I just rarely talk about it because it's not in good shape and I'm slightly embarrassed by it.

A bit hypocritical there, since you have posted (in more than one chat by the way) that you barely–if ever–use this site for it's intended purpose, admitting multiple times that you are not a writer and that you mainly use this site to talk to people instead of, you know, writing.

Second, what's so wrong with me being overly positive/wholesome/etc? I like looking on the bright side, talking about happy stories, and (badly) attempting to cheer people up. I find that keeping this attitude helps me stay confident despite my many, many, many insecurities and emotional problems, and if any of you are annoyed by that, I couldn't care less. If you're allowed to share overly depressing garbage then I can share overly positive garbage, simple as that.

Many things, actually.

  1. Emotions are overrated.
  2. Constantly trying to force your postivity on literally everyone isn't going to help them view things like you do.
  3. This is the Rudeness Chat, not the place for sunshine and happiness.
  4. Etc, etc, etc

I didn't say to "write a flawless 3-page essay about your reaction to people being rude", I said to "write sentences". It's often easier to just write "facepalm" than it is to google search "facepalm gifs", find the one you were looking for, spend 2 minutes or so waiting for the dumb thing to copy, and then post it instead.

Ah, but you see there is a grave error in that statement. "Write sentences" isn't an easy thing to complete, especially for writers. Wanna know why, little wanna-be? Simple. Sentences turn into paragraphs. Paragraphs turn into pages. Pages turn into chapters. So on and so forth.

Not to mention that gifs are also a more accurate way of decribing and translating the exact intention of the "facepalm". You're an artist after all, you of all people should know how powerful an image is compared to one measly word.

The reason I didn't want you all using gifs is because
A: They lag out people's computers
B: They're completely unnecessary
And C: I don't want to end up writing an entire dramatic rant about someone and then have only middle finger gifs as responses. Seriously, if you disagree with me then freaking say it to my face.

Have you perhaps considered:

  1. So?
  2. See above.
  3. I disagree, bitch.


Can we please use words instead of reaction gifs?
Please? We’re writers, we’re capable of writing sentences.
Or at least some of us are

You have absolutely no room to talk. We are writers, but you are not. You even said that yourself.

Correct, I'm not a writer yet, I'm still learning. I have all sorts of characters and stories that I wish to one day put to paper, sure I haven't actually written them out, but a lot of people here haven't either. I don't consider/call myself a writer because I haven't written any stories, but that doesn't mean I'm not writing any.

Don't go trying to act like anyone forgot that you only use this site to talk with friends and share sickeningly wholesome whatever the fuck.

First off, I did not come here to talk to friends. I didn't know anyone on this site when I first joined, and I didn't even start speaking to people for at least a week. I came here with the intent of finally turning my little ideas into a decent story, and I still work on that today, I just rarely talk about it because it's not in good shape and I'm slightly embarrassed by it.

Second, what's so wrong with me being overly positive/wholesome/etc? I like looking on the bright side, talking about happy stories, and (badly) attempting to cheer people up. I find that keeping this attitude helps me stay confident despite my many, many, many insecurities and emotional problems, and if any of you are annoyed by that, I couldn't care less. If you're allowed to share overly depressing garbage then I can share overly positive garbage, simple as that.

You can barely comprehend the amount of effort a writer has to go through to write out whatever they are working on. The time and energy for working on that is so ridiculously stupendous that the fact we are expected to write perfectly outside of our workspace is irresponsible thinking.

I didn't say to "write a flawless 3-page essay about your reaction to people being rude", I said to "write sentences". It's often easier to just write "facepalm" than it is to google search "facepalm gifs", find the one you were looking for, spend 2 minutes or so waiting for the dumb thing to copy, and then post it instead.

The reason I didn't want you all using gifs is because
A: They lag out people's computers
B: They're completely unnecessary
And C: I don't want to end up writing an entire dramatic rant about someone and then have only middle finger gifs as responses. Seriously, if you disagree with me then freaking say it to my face.

You're still allowed to use gifs of course, but please, for the love of all things good and covered in syrup, don't turn this place into the average controversial Tumblr screenshot. That's all I was saying.

I mean, you really don’t have the authority to tell people how they can and cannot respond, considering the fact that you didn’t create this chat, and it’s a rudeness chat. I’m just saying.


oh my god it's fucking gifs, chillax (particularly you ella). they're fun. they sometimes make responding easier. would you prefer a gif or a long ass link, because I can inconvenience everyone by posting mine in paragraph format. also moony are you high because you keep responding to your own posts for some reason? I'm pretty sure the sleep deprivation hasn't made me hallucinate that much. good day.


I mean, you really don’t have the authority to tell people how they can and cannot respond, considering the fact that you didn’t create this chat, and it’s a rudeness chat. I’m just saying.

I know I don't, and I won't pretend to. I was simply asking people if they could maybe cut down on the gifs considering they can cause problems for certain users and aren't necessarily… Rude. No one has to listen to me.

Deleted user

also moony are you high because you keep responding to your own posts for some reason? I'm pretty sure the sleep deprivation hasn't made me hallucinate that much. good day

okay, about that. sorry. i have a wicked tendency to double text, and i reply to myself trying to add on to what i originally said. i am incredibly tired, and also a fucking dumbass. i’m sorry for any confusion, this site has a bit of a different climate than the ones i use more frequently, so i might fuck up. sorry

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Me on my way to kick whoever takes their own time to watch trailers, buy tickets, watch a movie, then complain about it being “unrealistic”

Well it depends. Any fantasy type (etc.) story does things that are not realistic. But a story should have rules that are followed. If it doesn't, people are fully allowed to call it unrealistic. Example: in a magic world a guy takes one day to visit a country far away in one days journey without using magic.

@Mojack group

Me on my way to kick whoever takes their own time to watch trailers, buy tickets, watch a movie, then complain about it being “unrealistic”

Well it depends. Any fantasy type (etc.) story does things that are not realistic. But a story should have rules that are followed. If it doesn't, people are fully allowed to call it unrealistic. Example: in a magic world a guy takes one day to visit a country far away in one days journey without using magic.

I know, there is a certain line that I do draw. But I’m talking more about the people that are complaining about Godzilla running being “unrealistic” when compared to some of the other things he’s done, like the gif I posted.

Deleted user is unrealistic. but thats the whole point of Godzilla. its a giant lizard.


Okay holy frick.
Frick you Tony. Frick you Ian. Frick you Javi. Frick you Julius. Frick your entire fricking friend group. Those friggin chewed up eraser heads said some really rude things to my friend during lunch today and the more and more I think about it, the more angry I get. I don't normally use names but these guys deserve it. My friend has alopecia and she routinely wears a beanie but these jerks said while she is right next to them "Oh I would wear a wig if I had that" and if I had known at the time, I would have punched them and beat them. I am not a violent person. But holy crap, I have never wanted to hurt someone during school more. And these dudes have said things about me behind my back which I don't care about that much but they said that to one of the kindest souls I've ever fricking met and I am losing it. Our principal was not happy and I'm sure they're in trouble but they deserve worse for hurting my friends feelings. I'm insanely tempted to message one of them through like Instagram and write a very harsh worded letter to them. Really really tempted to do that. I knew something was up when lunch was over but i never got to ask until after school and I wish I had asked earlier because I would have chewed Ian out during sixth period. I would have beat him up if I could. Honestly tho, frick you guys. You may never see this, but frick you.
I know I'm overreacting a little but let me be angry