forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers


but GIFS are fun

You know what else is fun?
Using tiny text to emphasize the way you might have actually spoken it. We don't give a shit if it's difficult to read.
You know what's not fun?
Having your browser lag bc of something other ppl consider 'fun'. Don't be a fucking hypocrite.


I’m willing to go over there and stab them repeatedly with a pencil

I am also, that's a bunch of bs and they should get slapped with karma

Deleted user

but GIFS are fun

You know what else is fun?
Using tiny text to emphasize the way you might have actually spoken it. We don't give a shit if it's difficult to read.
You know what's not fun?
Having your browser lag bc of something other ppl consider 'fun'. Don't be a fucking hypocrite.

okay? that was hours ago, and you really took the time to quote it, and respond? imagine caring that much lmao.


but GIFS are fun

You know what else is fun?
Using tiny text to emphasize the way you might have actually spoken it. We don't give a shit if it's difficult to read.
You know what's not fun?
Having your browser lag bc of something other ppl consider 'fun'. Don't be a fucking hypocrite.

okay? that was hours ago, and you really took the time to quote it, and respond? imagine caring that much lmao.

It was just within the past two pages, it's not that irrelevant. Not to mention that wasn't even a really long response, so the time they took to quote and write that would probably be just a few minutes.

Deleted user

Yeah, but still. I can’t read the tiny letters because I have really bad vision, and my phone doesn’t zoom in enough. I wasn’t hating on Ella just because. Small ish letters are fine, but once they get to a certain point it’s hard for users to read.
also, it was almost 24 hours ago, so it does seem a tiny bit irrevalent.


I don't see how this GIF situation is any better than the Lenny face one a few pages back, I mean, they're both ways to show expressions/reactions without having to write anything and they both annoy the blep out of everyone if not used in moderation.
Why is everyone against "(I^u^)– *<3"
but not



(NOTE: Happy expressions were used for example purposes because I already have a bunch of those happy gifs and didn't want to google a rude one.)


but GIFS are fun

You know what else is fun?
Using tiny text to emphasize the way you might have actually spoken it. We don't give a shit if it's difficult to read.
You know what's not fun?
Having your browser lag bc of something other ppl consider 'fun'. Don't be a fucking hypocrite.

okay? that was hours ago, and you really took the time to quote it, and respond? imagine caring that much lmao.

Um, yeah
Cause I hadn't been in the chat
and I was reading through and I absolutely hate when people are hypocritical like that
And yes, I do care that much so fuck off

Deleted user

oh wow, we’re still going with this? listen buddy, i explained my reasoning. why are you still dragging this out?


oh wow, we’re still going with this? listen buddy, i explained my reasoning. why are you still dragging this out?

Because we're being rude? And I didn't even get to respond, cause I was gone? What else?
Because if you expect people to be sympathetic and specific with your problems (eyesight) then you should be sympathetic and specific with others' problems (lagging because of GIFs).

Deleted user

okay, first of all, i never even posted a GIF. I have no opinion on the GIF issue, other than thinking it’s ridiculous we even have a GIF issue. I simply wanted NutElla to stop posting such small letters becuase I had no way to read them. i light have been a little rude in my original message, and i apologize for that. can we let this die now?


Okay so, disclaimer, love the guy. Really. But oH MY GOD

So y'all remember my rant about my little sister? Well, she's his bio kid. And I've been around long enough that I have sort of…vague memories of before he was here? So no matter what I try, there'll always be a part of me that knows he isn't my dad. Well, anyway, he constantly lets her get away with shit, in the vein of my earlier rant. But I'm starting to think it's because she's his kid, even if he doesn't realize it? And the twins are treated about the same as her, if a bit less, and it could be because they only know of him as dad. But I just, I'm so sick of getting yelled at and grounded and watching them say and do the same things I get grounded and punished for. Without punishment.

And nothing I ever do seems to be good enough, either. I'm lazy, yeah. But I've also been struggling with depression and ADHD most of my life, making my focus absolute shit. Yet I still get more done than my sister, who never actually does chores or cleaning, and yet I'm always the one being told I need to do more and help out around the house more. She doesn't fucking do anything but sit, and avoid responsibilities, and yet she gets all the support and shit. I'm so fucking sick of it but every time I try to mention it I'm ignored, or legit told to go clean again. The same thing I just cleaned, because it wasn;t done right. Despite the fact that I'm the only one(other than mom) who ever does any of the cleaning well.

Deleted user

i am having the WORST day, and I have no idea why.