forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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@HighPockets group

  1. People are assholes and probably won't follow this rule

Bruh this is hardly a rule.

Their saying don't tell people what to do. How is this not a rule?

Because it's common sense?

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

  1. People are assholes and probably won't follow this rule

Bruh this is hardly a rule.

Their saying don't tell people what to do. How is this not a rule?

Because it's common sense?

Common sense is subjective, and are the "rules" we live by.

Deleted user

holy crap.

I'm merely saying to stop being arses trying to control the chat. Let it be. Go with the flow. Let people talk how they want to talk. Don't tell people what to do and they will not attack you in defense of themselves.

Simple. As. That.


I'm just saying, personally I am very uncomfortable with swear words of any kind, whatsoever. If Ella wants to say PANCAKE I greatly consider that better. You, are however, perfectly entitled to your own opinions and I respect that. I'm just stating that other people have theirs, and if you would prefer to continue with the swearing then I'll leave the chat.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I'm just saying, personally I am very uncomfortable with swear words of any kind, whatsoever. If Ella wants to say PANCAKE I greatly consider that better. You, are however, perfectly entitled to your own opinions and I respect that. I'm just stating that other people have theirs, and if you would prefer to continue with the swearing then I'll leave the chat.

I generally just swear if I'm really mad.

Deleted user

Then leave? Why should we censor ourselves? If the swearing bugs you so much, then find another chat :/


Deleted user

I'm just saying, personally I am very uncomfortable with swear words of any kind, whatsoever. If Ella wants to say PANCAKE I greatly consider that better. You, are however, perfectly entitled to your own opinions and I respect that. I'm just stating that other people have theirs, and if you would prefer to continue with the swearing then I'll leave the chat.

I respect this statement thoroughly, but at the same time no one is forcing you to stay. You may leave as you wish. If you are uncomfortable then do what is best for you. I would certainly feel better if you were comfortable.
I can't stop people from cursing for two reasons:

  1. Im not god
  2. This is the rudeness chat. some people require cursing to get out the negative feels and to be rude.

I'm sorry you had to feel that you had to leave.
Good luck, young writer!

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I'm just saying, personally I am very uncomfortable with swear words of any kind, whatsoever. If Ella wants to say PANCAKE I greatly consider that better. You, are however, perfectly entitled to your own opinions and I respect that. I'm just stating that other people have theirs, and if you would prefer to continue with the swearing then I'll leave the chat.

I respect this statement thoroughly, but at the same time no one is forcing you to stay. You may leave as you wish. If you are uncomfortable then do what is best for you. I would certainly feel better if you were comfortable.
I can't stop people from cursing for two reasons:

  1. Im not god
  2. This is the rudeness chat. some people require cursing to get out the negative feels and to be rude.

I'm sorry you had to feel that you had to leave.
Good luck, young writer!

Are you sure you're not god?


(Woah, did I just see people being respectful instead of angrily tearing apart/cursing out others for no reasons other than "it's the rudeness chat, what do you expect"? That's weird…)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Woah, did I just see people being respectful instead of angrily tearing apart/cursing out others for no reasons other than "it's the rudeness chat, what do you expect"? That's weird…)

(Why couldn't I get that when I first showed up??)

Deleted user

(Woah, did I just see people being respectful instead of angrily tearing apart/cursing out others for no reasons other than "it's the rudeness chat, what do you expect"? That's weird…)

Dont push it.

I will not come down on someone for their respectful departure over something that makes them truly uncomfortable. I expect everyone to be the same.

Deleted user

my mother yelled at me today about a bagel. i don’t understand anymore

Deleted user

my mother yelled at me today about a bagel. i don’t understand anymore

no one understands their parents until they have kids. And even then…

buddy. my man. i get that you’re trying to be nice, but you kinda just…invalidated all my feelings. saying stuff like “oh you’ll understand why later!” just…just no. i will never understand how my mom works, and although I love her, it can be really hard to live with her, for multiple reasons.


Abusive, narcissistic, or even just bad parents aren't the kind of parent you just understand later. I'm not going to understand the way my father yelled and cussed at me when I wouldn't eat a bowl of canned chicken noodle soup, just by having kids. Moony is allowed to not understand, because being yelled at about a bagel doesn't make sense.

Deleted user

Yes! I always used to fight with my mom, day and night, until I realized she would get mad at other people, and then take it out on me. just like this morning, she was mad at my sister for making her late, so she picked a fight with me. I will never understand why, but i do understand that my day will go a whole lot better if i just say “okay mom” and apologize when she wants me to. i will never understand that, and if I ever have kids i’m sure as hell not doing that to them.