forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

Can we please use words instead of reaction gifs?
Please? We’re writers, we’re capable of writing sentences.
Or at least some of us are

Exactly! It's hard to tell what people mean.

Deleted user

i am very tempted to add a GIF here, but i don’t want to lag people’s computers.

Deleted user

You don't know how bad I want to add GIFs, just to spite all of you.


So I know this isn't distinctly rude
But I start driver's training tomorrow and I'm terrified
Why did the pancaking smart people let children my age drive???

Deleted user

I'm taking a moment to be rude, ok?
I don't want to move. What the hell. Like, I get that there aren't any apartments for sale around here. But why can't we continue living with Kara? She doesn't mind us.
Hey, mum, did the apartment have to be an hour away? Why do I have to start totally over in a new town? Same with my brother? He can't fucking handle himself well enough to find new friends!
And my father needs to stop being a goddamned douchebag. He continues to put people down to make himself feel better.
I actually can't handle my family at the moment.