forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

ughhhhhhh my parents are at it again. i’ve needed whipping cream since last thurday for science class. i told them on thursday. i texted on friday. I asked saturday morning, and again on sunday afternoon. Today I wake up, the day i need it, and realize that we still haven’t managed to do it. so i ask, and i get berated by both of them about how fucking busy they are and they couldn’t possibly. have remembered something, i should have taken more responsibility. it’s seven fucking am.

Deleted user

Good grief….. Since I'm the only one legally allowed to adopt all of you, I think I just might.

Deleted user

Idk how modern parents got so horrible. My parents are the shit.

Deleted user

Actually, no. That's a lie. Elder Millennial parents are the worst because they had to deal with oppressive Baby Boomer parents, who were literally satan. So they don't really know how to be loving and supportive.

I'm not dismissing any of your feelings guys, your parents are rude arseholes and Im so so so sorry. I'm just thinking out loud.

Deleted user

My dad's parents were awful (they literally fought, drank and smoke in front of him), which doesn't lead me to like me much since he argues with my mum and vapes a lot (which I'm really unhappy with lol).

Deleted user

My mom's a baby boomer.

i fucking hate it

a baby boomer baby? or an actual boomer??

Deleted user

sigh i guess, if there were perfect parents, we’d all be perfect people.


There are literally normal 'replacement swears' to use instead of swearing, like crap, frick, frack, flip, shoot, dang, darn, and heck, and if you branch into fandom there's Merlin's beard, kriff, karabast, stars above, aces, spades, dam, shite, and others.

aces and stars above are my favorite

Deleted user

I have no idea what generation is what, I just know that my dad was obviously born in a good one

I bet your father was raised by a boomer.

Deleted user

My mom's a baby boomer.

i fucking hate it

a baby boomer baby? or an actual boomer??

An actual fucking baby boomer.

your parent was born from 1946 to 1964……?

Deleted user

I have no idea what generation is what, I just know that my dad was obviously born in a good one

There are no 'good' generations.
We all suck right now.