forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

jeez, do we always have to bring up old issues on this chat??

Deleted user

jeez, do we always have to bring up old issues on this chat??


Deleted user

You don't have to be stupidly up your own ass.

I'm not, thanks for the concern.

I wasn't going to fucking bring it up again.

But this is the Rudeness Chat; People have made it very clear this is what happens here. Get used to it.

Don't call me out in my attempt to reach common fucking sense.

Um, common sense? Sure.

This isn't the complaning chat.

I'm not the one complaining because they were @ed… But kay

Alright I've had enough of this and so have other people.


Don't bring up old issues. If you have beef with someone thats like 9 pages ago. Take it to PM.

Deleted user

@"The Grammar Queen"

I called you out. Sorry not sorry. Still waiting on a PM from you, should you still have issues.


(I don't think she can PM you, her username is considered invalid. In order for that to change she'll have to either remove the spaces from her username or replace them with "valid" symbols.)

Deleted user

Oh, yes, you can't PM anyone because you have spaces in your user. I do not expect anything from you, nor do I want it.

Deleted user

Hey wassup y'all. I've been stalking this chat and I tucking love it

Deleted user

Hello, i don't usually venture to the General Chat but this some really good stuff happening right now.

Deleted user

I have some shit I'd like to get off my back if no one minds, if you don't know who I am, that's fine. I'm ignored a lot and hated by half of the people I've ever met so whatever, I guess.

Deleted user

Fantastic. Alright.

So New users mean more people are discovering our chaotic community but a good chunk of them suck!
For example
Loki-hy something I don't know

They just have no skills, I especially hate them for not trying to help with leading rps, Izudeku makes themself center of attention in the chats I've seen them in, Brie and Loki don't use proper grammar or writing and they only use one-liners, they just SUCK. And no hate to this person Capture-the-moment but they're pushy and always try to get you to respond if you haven't, it hasn't let me into my inbox for a bit but I've seen she's trying to ask where I am, what I'm doing, why haven't I responded and its like bitch I have other stuff to do, more important better role plays to be in with better writing.

That is my venting for those four users, I rest my case.


Honestly what a mood

For now I’d give them time, maybe encourage them to rp with others of the same quality, or those with more patience

Deleted user

Yeah…I have no problem with them as people it's just ehhh and I feel bad for having little patience.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I'm in several roleplays with these people, and it sucks. They're characters are always way to op (and not even good op like One Punch Man), they force the attention on themselves, and they type like 3 year olds.


I know this isn’t what we’re currently talking about and it’s probably a really dumb thing to be angry over, but if I have to scroll through the Bee Movie script ONE MORE FLIPPING TIME I swear I will not hesitate to hurt someone.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I know this isn’t what we’re currently talking about and it’s probably a really dumb thing to be angry over, but if I have to scroll through the Bee Movie script ONE MORE FLIPPING TIME I swear I will not hesitate to hurt someone.

I want to know why, but I'm afraid to ask.

Deleted user

a lot of people spam chats with the bee movie script, and it’s annoying to scroll through it.


Okay, but these two specific users (I believe their usernames are Bee-Boy-6-9 and roleplay_guy, but I could easily be wrong) have been absolute pests lately. They’ve both posted the script to “Thread For People To Be Weird” (or whatever the chat’s called) multiple times, it eventually got so bad that andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) himself had to get involved. He deleted the comments, left them a warning about posting copyrighted movie scripts, and was the hero of the chat until those brats freaking ignored him and continued spamming. I’m a bit ticked off right now