forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

Went to my therapist and got diagnosed with some stuff

Deleted user

Went to my therapist and got diagnosed with some stuff

you posted this in two chats

Deleted user

Went to my therapist and got diagnosed with some stuff

welcome to the club

Deleted user

Hey can I rant about my little sister, and how sick of her shit I am?

the floor is yours


Alright, so as the oldest, and FAB, I'm the relegated babysitter, right? Well, me and my siblings all do online schooling, so all of us are home, all day everyday. Lately though(and I love her, don't get me wrong), my fucking sister has refused to listen to me. My mom has even started noticing it to some extent. It's a fight just to get her to do her school, to do her chores, to do anything, and that's even if it manages to get done at all. And every time I try to bring it up to my parents, they don't seem to fucking get that it keeps happening, even after they 'talk' to her and whatever, ad she NEVER GETS IN TROUBLE FOR IT


My youngest brother actually tries to fight me whenever I ask him to do anything and my mom REFUSES TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT

Deleted user

ugh, i can relate to having to do EVERYTHING around the house becuase my sister is too lazy to do it, and someone has too feed the dogs, or your know, they’ll die


What is it with younger siblings getting away with all the shit you get grounded for? My sister can legit scream and throw a tantrum at my parents, and nothing happens, but if I respond to something in the wrong tone or a tired voice, I'm grounded

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

What is it with younger siblings getting away with all the shit you get grounded for? My sister can legit scream and throw a tantrum at my parents, and nothing happens, but if I respond to something in the wrong tone or a tired voice, I'm grounded

The struggle is real.

Deleted user

Damn all my siblings are angels that wouldn't ever do anything like that.


personally, i'm the youngest of two girls, and for me its always been the opposite. I'm the chill one who doesn't ask to go anywhere or do anything, i'm always in my room, and i don't like confrontation. My sister is the one who likes to do stuff, so she should be in more trouble than me. But I guess my parents have heard about all of that younger sibling stuff, because i always get in trouble for everything but she gets away with the same stuff. If i'm in her room for too long, i get yelled at for being annoying. If shes in my room all day and i tell her to get out, she stays and nothing happens. She went through my journal once and i got in trouble for what was in it but she didn't get in trouble for reading it. Although i will say, things have calmed down a bit since im in my mid teens and shes almost 20.


I guess you'd be one of those exceptions, that switch up the more common dynamic? I'd never read my sibling's journal and then rat to my parents, not unless it was something that put them and/or others at risk. It's shit you got yelled at for all that tho. I kinda wanna fight your sister now.

@Mojack group

I was watching a Godzilla trailer and I scrolled into the comment section, and saw a comment along the lines of “this is unrealistic”

Why the hell do people like this go and see movies like this and then proceed to complain about it being unrealistic?? It’s a franchise about giant monsters that in no possible way could exist on our planet (which I’m pretty sure most people are aware of) and for god’s sake, I’ve seen Godzilla in other movies do some insane shit like fly using his atomic breath, slide on his tail to attack; even the 2016 movie had Godzilla shooting lazers out of his mouth, tail, and back. It’s not even just Godzilla, my mom saw a movie about vampires once and she went into the washroom after the movie and someone was talking about the movie there and said “vampires are unrealistic”; like no shit Sherlock. I’m not sure if they’re joking or not but jeez, people who go to movies like this just to complain about not being realistic enough (there is a line I will draw, but let us enjoy our monster brawls) really annoy me.

On another note, I can’t exactly relate to the siblings one, as I have only one older sibling, and I was a fairly quiet younger sibling myself. Plus she’s living in her own apartment now.

I remember that if I’m being honest though, there was this one LPS toy that I would go into my sister’s room when she wasn’t looking and steal, and my sister did the same to me. This went on for a while before she gave up. No one ever ratted the other out though.


Oh my god that first one irks me so much. Like, excuse you, where's your suspension of disbelief? If you're gonaa watch a movie genred sci-fi, fantasy, or even just fiction, don't have a hissyfit about it 'not being realistic'??


i'm the oldest of three.
my sister's 10 and my brother's 7.
recently, i read this book called The Eldest Daughter Effect. it explained a lot. everything makes sense now.


it explains why eldest daughters are more inclined to be quiet and held back while younger siblings are loud and social. we're usually the first to volunteer/be chosen (willingly or otherwise) to babysit or be in charge or just be leaders in general. we're also usually the voice of reason in most situations. they did a poll once and some of the traits eldest daughters felt fit them most were things like intelligence, motherly inclinations, bossiness, etc.
it's been a little while since i read it so there are probably a lot of things i'm forgetting, but those are some of the book's key points.


I mean I'm the dumbest thing since toddler ankle weights but It does fit a lot. See, I've noticed that almost all my friends who were older sisters, or the next oldest female once the oldest moved out(even if there's an older brother) somehow end up the caretakers. I think It's bullshit, considering I can barely take care of myself but idk lmao