forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user


Why the fuck are you still here then?

Deleted user

@FaeEris You're the one who started a chat dedicated to being rude, then encouraged everyone to post beef. That's exactly what we're doing.

Deleted user

Yes, but I said I'd step in if I thought it went too far. see rules
I think this is going too far. So please stop.

It's also my chat so I can decide what goes on here or not.
Now I've asked you nicely to chill out.

Deleted user

Huh it's not on the first page actually but I did mention somewhere that I would step in.

Deleted user


Yea well this one includes me so I'm ending it.

Deleted user

I am so done with all of this.
I've had a crappy day and already have to act like I'm fine at home, so when I come on, AKA my outlet, I expect to be able to show how I really feel freely.
If someone is insulting me, I am going to defend myself.
I don't get any of this. Some of you people are so ruthless. You'll tear someone apart because you're behind a screen. Ever heard of karma? It'll catch up to you.
Whatever. This stuff hurts people. Just because you aren't one of the ones being hurt doesn't mean you can just brush it off and pretend it's not happening.


Who of the seven were your favorite?

Leisl or gretl

Any particular reason?

leisl was just such a cool character, like her recklessness made me happy. Plus she accepted the fact that she didnt know everything there was to know about life. Gretl was the cutest five year old i ever saw.


have y’all considered maybe you’re taking things a lil too seriously? Not to be rude but this is a lil much for something so trivial originally

Deleted user

lol, yeah. i get this is the rudeness chat and you want to defend yourself, but this long ass thread is clogging the chat. take it to PM please?

Deleted user

I am so done with all of this.
I've had a crappy day and already have to act like I'm fine at home, so when I come on, AKA my outlet, I expect to be able to show how I really feel freely.
If someone is insulting me, I am going to defend myself.
I don't get any of this. Some of you people are so ruthless. You'll tear someone apart because you're behind a screen. Ever heard of karma? It'll catch up to you.
Whatever. This stuff hurts people. Just because you aren't one of the ones being hurt doesn't mean you can just brush it off and pretend it's not happening.

All because I told you to stop arguing on my chat.
We can be ruthless but we also know when to let trivial things go. It was a petty argument over the internet. Relax. Okay? It's not important.

I'm sorry you feel that way, but I'm going to insist that this argument stop. That's enough pettiness for one day.


Who of the seven were your favorite?

Leisl or gretl

Any particular reason?

leisl was just such a cool character, like her recklessness made me happy. Plus she accepted the fact that she didnt know everything there was to know about life. Gretl was the cutest five year old i ever saw.

So true. I have all the names messed up in my head, but I loved that song for the goodnight/so long/farewell.

Deleted user

Okay awesome. Now that there seems to be general calmness…. @"The Grammar Queen" if you want to discuss your issue with me. Please PM me. I thought I explained the situation clearly, but if there is any lingering doubt you can let me know.

Thank you.