forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers


Cheers, I'll drink to that, bro.

In all honesty, that makes so much more sense, and I really appreciate the explanation about what you meant. Last night, it kinda just sounded like(to my sleep deprived brain[Sage remembered the word!]) you were just…negating any experiences or slightly negative feelings people were having. Positivity is good! But there's a difference between lifting a person up or saying that they can rant/talk if needed and being there for them, and the all-too-common 'you'll be fine!', if that makes sense?

@HighPockets group

I'm assuming that the musicals thing is done, but Mary Poppins doesn't really have much romance besides Mary and Bert and that's not even much of a romance.
Also Eris you should listen to Ghost Quartet it's about a woman travelling to alternate timelines to put a curse on a man who cheated on her, and has some amazing music!


Lmao nutella I feel like you really called me out in that last one, which is kinda weird bc today I was thinking about the positivity argument we had a while back


okay can some people give me genuine insults
like stuff you don't like about me
i've just been wondering and i think this is probably the place to find out

Alright… Be warned, I might get salty here:

Sometimes, you do this thing
Where you spell a word really wrong
and then I have to re-read it until I know what the blep you're talking about
and then I figure out what you meant and everything's fine.

In other words, you're great, I'm just bad at reading.

Deleted user

I'm assuming that the musicals thing is done, but Mary Poppins doesn't really have much romance besides Mary and Bert and that's not even much of a romance.
Also Eris you should listen to Ghost Quartet it's about a woman travelling to alternate timelines to put a curse on a man who cheated on her, and has some amazing music!

I've heard of this! But haven't actually heard it yet. XD But now that you reminded me I shall check it out!

Deleted user

okay can some people give me genuine insults
like stuff you don't like about me
i've just been wondering and i think this is probably the place to find out

Guys I'm gonna ask that we stop doing stuff like this ^^^ I don't like the fact that people are searching for people to bring them down. That's not the point of the chat.

Deleted user

Last thing-

Nutella, great speech and thank you for explaining your point, but don't tell people to feel guilty about being negative. People are allowed to feel what they feel towards things and should not be told to feel bad about that. People should embrace how they feel because it makes it easier to work through it. Especially the bad. Feeling guilty about being negative or having negative thoughts makes people push it down, therefore creating a bigger problem later on when they explode.
I know you were just trying to 'call people out', which is why I'm not upset, just telling you how your words could have an effect on people that already have a hard time with their feelings.

I also must apologize because I'm not going to feel guilty about being negative or whathaveyou mostly because I don't think that I am. It's a part of my personality to be blunt, frosty, rude, and straightforward and I like that about myself. I know that is not something that a lot of people are used to and they think that I'm a bitch, but at the end of the day, I got a lot farther in life because I don't care what people think about my personality. Or how I conduct my life and I think a lot of more people should live this way because I am happy and they should be too. I may be a bitch in all of your eyes, but this bitch is fully confident in everything she is. So please just relax on telling people how they should feel.

(Full disclosure–because I feel like I have to add this shit at the end of every message now–I am NOT mad at Ella. I am NOT saying this to be rude. I am simply EXPLAINING how her speech affected me. Nothing else.)

¯\ _(ツ) _ /¯



I know this is a pathetic response but I can't think of anything better to say, especially since I agree with you there, no one should have to feel guilty for their emotions.

Deleted user


Now back to our regular scheduled program: Rudeness.

You teenagers are salty as hell about everything

@HighPockets group

I'm assuming that the musicals thing is done, but Mary Poppins doesn't really have much romance besides Mary and Bert and that's not even much of a romance.
Also Eris you should listen to Ghost Quartet it's about a woman travelling to alternate timelines to put a curse on a man who cheated on her, and has some amazing music!

I've heard of this! But haven't actually heard it yet. XD But now that you reminded me I shall check it out!

It's so good!
I recommend listening to it on a kind of gross, foggy, and rainy day, the spookiness is amplified by the weather then!
And it has Brittain Ashford and Gelsey Bell in it and they both have beautiful and unique voices!!

@HighPockets group

Idk if this counts as rude, but I hate it when people drop out of plays or musicals because they don't get the role they want. This might just be because I have never once gotten the role I've auditioned for, but it's about the experience! Who cares if you're Pepper and not Annie, no one's stopping you from having a good time! You're still in a show, you're still experiencing it, and you can learn so much from just being there!

Deleted user

Idk if this counts as rude, but I hate it when people drop out of plays or musicals because they don't get the role they want. This might just be because I have never once gotten the role I've auditioned for, but it's about the experience! Who cares if you're Pepper and not Annie, no one's stopping you from having a good time! You're still in a show, you're still experiencing it, and you can learn so much from just being there!

I know! I was accused of it a few times because I dropped out of a musical to help my mum who was getting surgery.

@HighPockets group

Idk if this counts as rude, but I hate it when people drop out of plays or musicals because they don't get the role they want. This might just be because I have never once gotten the role I've auditioned for, but it's about the experience! Who cares if you're Pepper and not Annie, no one's stopping you from having a good time! You're still in a show, you're still experiencing it, and you can learn so much from just being there!

I know! I was accused of it a few times because I dropped out of a musical to help my mum who was getting surgery.

Like, for context, I've been in 5 shows, and I haven't ever gotten the part I've auditioned for.
In Looking Glass Land, I went out for the Red Knight and got a White Pawn.
Bye Bye Birdie I went out for Mama and got a Reporter.
Midsummer Night's Dream I went out for Bottom and got Oberon (which ended up being amazing, but the point still stands!)
In Sock Puppet Hamlet (not reaaaally a show, but still) I wanted to be Hamlet but got Laertes.
The Snow Queen I went out for the Robber Woman and I got a Goblin.
And in Into the Woods I went out for Jack's Mom and got Ensemble.

It's one thing to drop out because you have a family conflict, or you realize you have a conflict with a sport or something, but to drop out because you didn't get the part you wanted? Really? Not everyone can get the lead, and 9/10 times the person cast as that part ends up being perfect.
One of my favorite people from TSQ dropped out of ITW because she got Ensemble and not Cinderella, which is so stupid!


Idk if this counts as rude, but I hate it when people drop out of plays or musicals because they don't get the role they want. This might just be because I have never once gotten the role I've auditioned for, but it's about the experience! Who cares if you're Pepper and not Annie, no one's stopping you from having a good time! You're still in a show, you're still experiencing it, and you can learn so much from just being there!

I know! I was accused of it a few times because I dropped out of a musical to help my mum who was getting surgery.

Like, for context, I've been in 5 shows, and I haven't ever gotten the part I've auditioned for.
In Looking Glass Land, I went out for the Red Knight and got a White Pawn.
Bye Bye Birdie I went out for Mama and got a Reporter.
Midsummer Night's Dream I went out for Bottom and got Oberon (which ended up being amazing, but the point still stands!)
In Sock Puppet Hamlet (not reaaaally a show, but still) I wanted to be Hamlet but got Laertes.
The Snow Queen I went out for the Robber Woman and I got a Goblin.
And in Into the Woods I went out for Jack's Mom and got Ensemble.

It's one thing to drop out because you have a family conflict, or you realize you have a conflict with a sport or something, but to drop out because you didn't get the part you wanted? Really? Not everyone can get the lead, and 9/10 times the person cast as that part ends up being perfect.
One of my favorite people from TSQ dropped out of ITW because she got Ensemble and not Cinderella, which is so stupid!

i saw bye bye birdie and i came running bc honestly that musical is amazing

Deleted user

Theatre people are so snooty.
No offence Jyn! I mean the others that drop because theyre whiny bitches.

Deleted user

Theatre people are so snooty.
No offence Jyn! I mean the others that drop because theyre whiny bitches.

Theatre kids are either sad, gay, or snooty

@HighPockets group

Theatre people are so snooty.
No offence Jyn! I mean the others that drop because theyre whiny bitches.

No you're right. The ones at my school are actually pretty good, but that's because the director can and will kick out people who aren't serious about it.