forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

You don't know what you're missing–

if you're not in the kitchen!

Deleted user

You don't know what you're missing–

if you're not in the kitchen!

with Chef Eris!

Deleted user

You don't know what you're missing–

if you're not in the kitchen!

with Chef Eris!

Holy shit Chowder was amazing

Deleted user

Nope. Never seen those funky weird thingies in my life.

Deleted user



mum you've heartbroken me

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Who of the seven were your favorite?

Leisl or gretl

Any particular reason?

leisl was just such a cool character, like her recklessness made me happy. Plus she accepted the fact that she didnt know everything there was to know about life. Gretl was the cutest five year old i ever saw.

So true. I have all the names messed up in my head, but I loved that song for the goodnight/so long/farewell.


Deleted user

There you are: Secrets exposed. Marigases threatened. Delicious drama. What happens now? Can this be repaired? Or do you all leave in thirty minutes feeling vaguely depressed? Things are upside down. That's what happens when you play… FULL DISCLOSURE

Deleted user

Loving it Lex.

Thanks bub.
If anyone gets it, Pm me or something. I guess

Deleted user

I'm getting Blame the Butler vibes but I doubt that's it.

Nah, I'm about to look that up though.

Deleted user

Ah, that's where I've heard it.
Anyhow, I like to watch drama fester, once the yelling comes out, then it gets interesting.


Okay, I feel like I should explain what I meant by "fake negativity" the other day because people took that completely wrong…
I wasn't actually accusing people of faking their sadness or anything of the sort. I also wasn't complaining about teens expressing their sadness in the form of dramatic messages over the internet (Have you seen the Venting Space chat before? It's 90% just me complaining over tiny details that will never truly matter in the most dramatic way possible). What I was actually complaining about was people who use their sadness to bring others down, often without realizing it. Since most of the time when people do this, they overdramatize things to no end and/or leave out all positive aspects, I decided to just call it "fake negativity" instead of explaining the entire thing, especially since that wasn't even the point of my rant.

If you still have no idea what the blep I'm talking about, here's an example:
Imagine you had a good day for the first time in weeks. You start talking about how wonderful it was, how glad you were to be free of your stresses… And then some grumpy teenager comes along and goes on a dramatic rant about how it'll all come back, your happiness won't last forever, these days won't matter in the end, someday your name will be forgotten, you'll eventually wish you never existed at all, no one truly loves you, people out there are suffering, something about overpopulation and/or global warming, you're not allowed to smile because some people out there can't, blah blah blah, etc, etc. It wouldn't feel too great, would it? You just wanted to escape those thoughts and smile for once but someone came and tried to ruin that.

^That, my pancakes, is what I actually meant by "fake" negativity.

You might be thinking "But NutElla, that never actually happens, what are you even talking about?"
And to that I say-
You're really freaking blind. (Jk, I'm only trying to make this a bit more rude-ish. You probably haven't looked hard enough, which is perfectly understandable. Love you guys!)
Maybe I'm just a magnet for this kind of stuff, which is pretty likely considering I'm almost always talking about something happy, but I get that garbage on a weekly basis. I uploaded my dorky, overly positive profile picture to PaigeeWorld, got three comments, and they were all from depressed young teens talking about suicide. I once said something about how beautiful this world is when you look at it close enough, got a response, and it was a rant about how the world truly isn't beautiful and "I'm just sheltered". These are only a few of the many examples I have for you, but I'd rather not waste my time writing all of them out just to prove a point, especially in the chat where no one cares.

Since this is the Rudeness chat if I don't call anyone out I'll probably get multiple messages from either people who feel called out, people saying I'm not being rude enough, or people questioning whether or not this stuff actually happens, so I'm going to list some of the users that I think I might've seen do this, maybe. I don't really know, I'm mostly just listing people who have been negative before:
Jensen, Emi, Alex (not Alexandria, a different Alex), Eris, Logan/Lex, Kylee, Jynnie, Peridot/whatever their username is now, Swimwithgamers, NutEllaDraws (Hey! I know her!), Octane, Red/Ace, everyone involved in any past dramatic situations (Including small ones like the "Yo Mom" drama a few months back), everyone reading this, and probably a lot more people that I can't think of. You're all guilty. Feel the guilt. (Once again, I only added this part in a dumb attempt to look rude. You think that's completely pointless? Well, you're probably right… But I did it anyway, sue me.)

What about you Nutella, you can't go five seconds without going "UwU! My friends are soooooo special."

…True, I do talk about them a lot. But that's because I really appreciate them and sometimes, especially around all this anger, sadness, and depression, they tend to forget it, so I forcefully shove it down their throats every chance I get. Wouldn't want people as precious as them to be sad now, would we? Guess I'm a creepy, platonic yandere now, time to slaughter people >:D (NOTE: The ending to that was a joke. Please don't kill me or go off and on about how people should be allowed to be sad. Please. Far too many arguments start from my bad taste in humor being taken the wrong way.)

I also don't respond to vents with something like "Don't be sad, people out there have been through way worse than you and still manage to smile, so why aren't you smiling?", mostly because I'm only 40% idiot and know better than to say something that hurtful for the sake of Positivity™. I try and keep my excessive "Power of friendship! Life is beautiful! You beans deserve all the love in the universe!!! ^u^!" stuff to chats/conversations it's meant to be in. I wouldn't want "fake" negativity in the Happy And Drama-Free Chat, I also wouldn't want "fake" positivity in the Venting Space chat. Yes, I realize I messed that up the other day when I said something positive here, and for that, I apologize. I'll save this place for angrily regretting all my decisions next time.

I can't believe I just spent an hour or so writing this all because somewhere, hidden deep in a past rant, I made the tiny mistake of adding the word "fake" before "negativity", causing people to completely ignore what I said and accuse me of calling them fake, even though I'm called fake all the time for my positivity.

…Which, mind you, is completely real, and before you start saying "bUt nUtEllA, yOu'Re jUsT a cHiLd wHo'S nEvEr SeEn ThE rEaL WorLd, sO tHeReForE yOuR pOsiTiviTy iSn'T rEaL!!!1!1" how about I reverse that for you: "YoU'rE jUsT aN aDuLt/oLdEr tEeN, yOu sTiLL hAvEn'T eXpEriENceD aLL tHe JoYs liFe hAs tO oFFeR, sO tHeReForE yoUr NeGaTiVitY isN't rEaL!!!1!1". Did that sound stupid? Yeah, probably. Can you see why I dislike that phrase so much now? I'm allowed to have an opinion, even if that opinion isn't "the world is completely broken so why even try". You're also allowed to have an opinion, even if that opinion isn't "this world is beautiful so we should appreciate every moment of it and live our best lives". We're both allowed to have opinions and that doesn't make us fake. Alright? Okay.

This took me way longer to write than it should've and now I'm bitter. >:(
(In case you're wondering why I didn't say this yesterday when it was still relevant, that's because I didn't sleep yesterday and if I tried to type anything long on my computer, I'd get a headache. I wouldn't have written this whole thing if it wasn't such a big deal that an entire thread ended up being created because of it…)