forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers


You mentioned the leaf and now I can't stop thinking about that time when I was playing outside with my friend in socks and no shoes and I stepped on a bullthistle plant. I was in like, first or second grade and so was my friend, and she had to carry me back to her house because I weighed -2 pounds and couldn't walk


They're unfriendly, they stick up out of the ground, and I probably still have a tiny thorn stuck deep in my foot to the point that I can't feel it anymore because we never got it out

@Mojack group

I looked up the plant and you know what they say, learn something new everyday because I did not know the plant was called a bullthistle plant

Upon that being mentioned I remember burs (as in the plant) and I remember when I still had recess there would be entire wars of children throwing burs at each other and I can recall the one time I was standing at a door with a bunch of other people waiting to be let in and someone came over with a bunch of burs attached to each other and threw it at my friend

Deleted user

omg we have a bunch of burr plants behind my house and it honestly sucks to deal with when i want to walk back there

@Pickles group

They're unfriendly, they stick up out of the ground, and I probably still have a tiny thorn stuck deep in my foot to the point that I can't feel it anymore because we never got it out

Stuff like that tends to work itself out as it heals so you're probably fine


An open letter to everyone affected by what went down on Monday:

I've been seeing a lot of self-blaming going on after a certain user left, and it's making me angry. Said user left and ghosted everyone Notebook-related who'd been following them, and went silent, causing guilt in people who did nothing but attempt to help them, and that was an absolutely shitty thing to do. They played up their mental health and borderline-implied suicide and self-harm, then suddenly stopped talking to their friends, leading them to believe that such things could have occured, and for what? For telling them that their cruel behavior was out of line? For telling them to calm down? For doing what friends are fucking supposed to do? But because they disagreed with what their friends suggested, they chose to be a coward and ghost as opposed to facing the music.

To the people who were hurt by this individual and their self-centered decision to leave you with unanswered questions and wonder their fate: you are not responsible for the actions and behaviors of others. Let me say it again. You are not responsible for the actions and behaviors of others. It is not your fault that this user left. It is not your fault that they lashed out at you. You did not deserve it. You did nothing wrong.

I can see that people will be upset that I'm saying this, but fuck it. I hate seeing good people blame themselves for things they didn't do.

what happened

@The-Magician group

Like just leave her alone alreadyyyyy!!

Deleted user


Your open letter is fantastic. Thank you, thank you.

@The-Magician group

Like everyone here, she is a nice and not so nice person.
Though it seems we focus more on her negative qualities than her positive ones, as they were shown more frequently