forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@The-Magician group

Why the fuck am I still sick
And why the fuck and I at school

I’m having words with your principal, this is actual bullshit now.
Also, yeah, why are you still sick?????? Have you taken Day and Night Nurse? Lemon tea? Hot black current juice?
Slept for longer than 5 hours????

Deleted user

Why the fuck am I still sick
And why the fuck and I at school

I’m having words with your principal, this is actual bullshit now.
Also, yeah, why are you still sick?????? Have you taken Day and Night Nurse? Lemon tea? Hot black current juice?
Slept for longer than 5 hours????

Im going to quickly interrupt this to say: hot black current juice is so good and everyone thinks im crazy for liking it

@HighPockets group

Partly. Other people as well. Being their usual annoying ass selves and this is just proof that I can't say what I think.

Oh, agreed. Some of the newbies have been so irritating lately I can't even-

@HighPockets group

An open letter to everyone affected by what went down on Monday:

I've been seeing a lot of self-blaming going on after a certain user left, and it's making me angry. Said user left and ghosted everyone Notebook-related who'd been following them, and went silent, causing guilt in people who did nothing but attempt to help them, and that was an absolutely shitty thing to do. They played up their mental health and borderline-implied suicide and self-harm, then suddenly stopped talking to their friends, leading them to believe that such things could have occured, and for what? For telling them that their cruel behavior was out of line? For telling them to calm down? For doing what friends are fucking supposed to do? But because they disagreed with what their friends suggested, they chose to be a coward and ghost as opposed to facing the music.

To the people who were hurt by this individual and their self-centered decision to leave you with unanswered questions and wonder their fate: you are not responsible for the actions and behaviors of others. Let me say it again. You are not responsible for the actions and behaviors of others. It is not your fault that this user left. It is not your fault that they lashed out at you. You did not deserve it. You did nothing wrong.

I can see that people will be upset that I'm saying this, but fuck it. I hate seeing good people blame themselves for things they didn't do.

Deleted user

i'd like to be rude to my therapist because gurl why you make me come in over lunchhhhhhh

@ElderGod-kirky group

So, in my typical 'I-bored' fashion, I decided to make a song mashup just for shits and giggles because I had a 'what if' moment. Because of this, I have spent about an hour working on meticulously cutting and adjusting music until it's semi-decent and not ear-rape.

I am not a music producer nor do I know anything about music beyond loving it.

why do I do this to myself.

On the plus side, I finished it.


what are you supposed to do when you have a concussion and cant do anything you want, like listening to music or even doing chores?