forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@Moxie group

Mkay I'm doing it cause I had a love-rant planned out the moment I read that

First of all, you are not some self-centered person who only talks about herself. You are a kind, loving person that is always working hard to lift other people up.
Life sucks and you're allowed to cry. Your feelings are valid, and definitely not annoying.
Eh a lot of people used to be homophobic, but they changed. The key word is "was". You're not homophobic anymore, you've grown into a smart person who cares even more for other people.
All of this is in the past tense. That's the key here. You've grown so much and we're all so proud of you. None of us hold any grudges against you, (If anyone doesn't think so, show yourself. I'll fight you) because we've all acknowledged that people grow and people change.
You're an amazing person. Being your age is really really hard. You're going through all sorts of developmental stuff, and life sucks and is really hard. But you'll get through it. You've already changed and grown so much. And you'll change and grow some more. Personally, I'm really excited to see the person you'll become.

@Moxie group

Also, you have nothing to be sorry for. Loving yourself is a hard process that doesn't come easily, especially at your age. But you are amazing, and you should know that even if you don't love yourself rn, you still deserve it. You're amazing and deserve so much love.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I’m sorry

It is alright. But you really must stop the self hatred whenever possible. It is the opposite of healthy. I hate to say it but think positively. Think about the great amount of good that resides in you. You might think you are failing, but you are the only one here who thinks that. Granted, we don't know a whole lot of your personal life. But I would say it would be a reasonable statement to say we know you well enough to say that whatever you feel about yourself is very likely not nearly as true as you believe.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Also, you have nothing to be sorry for. Loving yourself is a hard process that doesn't come easily, especially at your age. But you are amazing, and you should know that even if you don't love yourself rn, you still deserve it. You're amazing and deserve so much love.

Mox is 100% correct.

Deleted user

Start with loving one thing about yourself each day. It can be the most minute thing that you only notice for a second. But build up on that feeling until there is an entire list that you can go through.

When things were really rough for me, I used to just love the way I tied my shoes (A perfect bow on the extreme side of either shoe.) idk why but I loved how quirky it was. For months that's all I loved. Then I complimented myself for how my hair looked one day and then it was added to the list. And then it was the way my lips moved when I spoke. So on and so forth.

Like others have said, self love takes time and can be really hard, but the more you allow yourself to compliment even the smallest things the more you will be able to take a look at the big things, or even the entire package, and accept that it is who you are–and that you are okay with that fact.

Deleted user

I’m sorry

Apologize to yourself, silly muffin.

I VERY STRONGLY agree with this. Especially the name Silly Muffin.

only my cat gets called silly muffin because he is the exact definition of perfection. so that should say something.

@Moxie group

Also, because, yknow, you're in your own head you see all the worst parts of your mind. All the bad and horrible and awful thoughts that come through, which sometimes tricks people into thinking they're bad people. But they're not. Everyone has mean thoughts. everyone is an asshole sometimes in their heads. But that doesn't define who you are as a person. Your bad thoughts don't define you. (idk if thats something you're struggling with, but I figured I'd point it out just in case)

@Moxie group

I’m sorry

Apologize to yourself, silly muffin.

I VERY STRONGLY agree with this. Especially the name Silly Muffin.

only my cat gets called silly muffin because he is the exact definition of perfection. so that should say something.

Wow thats a huge compliment

@Moxie group

Well, Ella was being rude to herself understandable, it be like that sometimes and one of the rules is you're not allowed to be rude to Ella. She's too precious.


I don’t know what to say
T-thank you!!!(?)
i really don’t deserve it-

…have i ever told you guys you’re the best?
there is not a word in the entire english language that could possibly describe just how much i love you, you mean the whole world to me and then some and i don’t know what i’d ever do without you i-

dang it now i’m crying again

@Pickles group

I also saw that Pickles specifically said "fuck Victor Frankenstein" in their post and lemme tell you, it took so much self control not to respond "Henry probably did"


@HighPockets group

I also saw that Pickles specifically said "fuck Victor Frankenstein" in their post and lemme tell you, it took so much self control not to respond "Henry probably did"



@Mojack group

I got out all of my immature-ness on the internet when I was like 8 or something, someone told me to "shut the hell up" when I was 8 and I had my turning point

Then I became a friend in 8th grade, and then advanced up to clown in high school

Deleted user

Gonna be rude to my knee for a sec.

Why the fuck won't it heal properly! I fell down stairs over summer, but then over the break I fell down more stairs and now my knee is fucked up again.