forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

I bet it was the boomers who made it tho

are you making it up, boomers? you guys do that a lot

Deleted user

you’ve been made up

idk the concept

i don’t feel like arguing about this anymore

how do you feel about the fact that people spend the money you can spend on a car on fucking fursuits

Deleted user

i don’t feel like arguing about it anymore

im complaining like anyone who is annoyed about something so shut the heck up Al


I consistently get ignored in the vent chat and I'm getting pretty sick of it
I am not in the mood for this
I am tired and I had to go to both school and work today, which meant I had literally no fucking free time until 11:00 pm

@Pickles group

I consistently get ignored in the vent chat and I'm getting pretty sick of it
I am not in the mood for this
I am tired and I had to go to both school and work today, which meant I had literally no fucking free time until 11:00 pm

I'm liking it less and less


Honestly me too
Not gonna name any names cause they really aren’t bad beans and I know they don’t mean any harm but a few specific users have decided to completely ignore the fact that it is indeed a venting space and not just a place to spam with annoying unrelated chatter
Now, you may be asking, “what qualifies as a vent?”
Venting is when you try to let out all overwhelming emotions by screaming about them. They can be positive, negative, dramatic, serious, or not at all serious.
You know what does not qualify as venting?
Interrupting serious conversations to tell people about your favorite song or make a 420 joke
Talking about sensitive or triggering topics as if it’s nothing/using it for quirky emo points

Bragging to everyone in a completely uncensored, spoiler-free text exactly what your boyfriend did to you last night.
No one wants to hear that.
If you absolutely have to tell everyone about it then take it to the Crushes chat please for the love of teddy bears and all things pure and fluffy
Ignoring/arguing with people when they give you advice or tell you not to do something
Talking casually about any mediocre uninteresting topic
Spam of any kind (including some unnecessary large text)

I also allow people to help give others advice for their problems
You know what doesn’t count as advice?
Gatekeeping their emotions
Invalidating them
Using your experiences to try and 1UP them
Complaining about them interrupting your anime conversation
Shouting OOF before returning to your anime conversation
Completely ignoring them for the sake of your anime conversation
(They don’t actually talk about anime very often, I just needed an example of a boring, non vent-related conversation that could easily go anywhere else)
Making them feel unwelcome
And a lot of other things

I almost want to delete the thread and start from scratch because any time someone tries to use it for its intended purpose they get lost in the ocean of unhelpful messages, even I, the creator of the thread, frequently get ignored for pages upon pages until that one guy who actually reads through the chat comes along and responds to everything
I never thought things would get so bad that I’d have to vent about my own venting space in another chat

Also I know this isn’t the place but I’d like to thank pickles, eris, mir, our vv good ninja weapon boi, and many others for at least trying to keep that place - and my sanity - in one piece. I really do appreciate it <3

Deleted user

damn one-upping sucks

just throw it away Ella and start new. I think that whole place has already gotten like, really toxic already

‘course it’s your thread and i only visit it a couple times, but I’ve seen my fair share of toxicity from that chat.

Deleted user

I don't think you should delete it. At all. But you could try taking a bit more control over it.

Deleted user

maybe it’s because you play a large roll in that chat and simply do not want to transition from it to another


well I mean that’s the same reason I haven’t deleted the chat, cause I don’t want to have to transfer to another one only to watch it fall to pieces as well cause no one listens to my rules

Deleted user

maybe it’s because you play a large roll in that chat and simply do not want to transition from it to another

That's not why at all. I just think we have a good community built and it would be both difficult and a pain to move all that to a whole new chat