forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

Aw man! Okay, I’ll remind you to ask tomorrow if you need it.

@ElderGod-kirky group

That would be appreciated to this incredibly forgetful creature Nevermind that I can remember my shitton of characters and every little thing about them, but not important things like to eat

Deleted user

Eris, you're like a real-life Amren

Mwuahahahahahahahaha yes

Except with martinis instead of blood

who says my martinis aren't made with the blood of my enemies?

Deleted user

I am not a fan of humans, and not for your average reasons.
I could go on to explain, but we would be here for quite a while.

Story time!

@HighPockets group

Eris, you're like a real-life Amren

Mwuahahahahahahahaha yes

Except with martinis instead of blood

who says my martinis aren't made with the blood of my enemies?

That's a good and slightly terrifying point

Deleted user

Eris, you're like a real-life Amren

Mwuahahahahahahahaha yes

Except with martinis instead of blood

who says my martinis aren't made with the blood of my enemies?

That's a good and slightly terrifying point

'slightly terrifying' are the perfect words to describe me

@Pickles group

IM GONNA KILL A BITCH maybe not kill, but beat up.
So we were in sectionals today, and the last chair freshman (lets call him A. A for asshole-dickhead-bitchass-shitfaced-dumbshit-brat) is running his mouth off as usual, talking about how no one wants to be here and we don't need to work on this, this is a waste of time, etc, etc.
So I, the person leading sectionals, try to ignore him, also as usual. We're supposed to be working on a song that mostly deals with tone and playing the right notes. There are a lot of key signatures. So I tell everyone to write in the notes. This little punk continues saying that it's not important and we don't need to do this. I tell him to write in the notes. He doesn't. I circle around once everyone's practicing on their own and make sure they actually have stuff written in. I get to him. I write in EVERY SINGLE NOTE and I'm very close to starting to draw in the fingerings. We begin to work on stuff. He still misses notes and continues making rude comments towards all of us.
I tell everyone to play the right notes or I'll hit them. He says something about how I won't. I tell him I will. Another kid says, "She'll slap you down in one hit. She'll beat your ass. I know her." Which is not entirely true, I will beat him, but I can't hit that hard. A starts to laugh. I ask if he thinks it's funny. He says he doesn't doubt I'll hit him. I tell him it won't be funny.
We continue. He starts making quiet remarks. The girl next to him, let's call her S, the principle of their part kindly tells him to stop and to pay attention. I try to continue. All this time, he's screwing up everything, even the stuff I know he has written in because I'm the one that wrote it in. Every time we stop, I hear A arguing with S.
We get to the point where we have five minutes before we need to pack up. I say, "let's go over this section and then we'll leave."
I hear S say, "yes I know, but I've asked you to stop and you aren't so please stop." S is sooo patient. I can tell she's getting frustrated. This happens every time we have sectionals. He says, "well you don't have to be such a bitch." Plus he called me a bitch last week after I called him out. That doesn't bother me. (I said, "yeah I'm a bitch, but I can be more of a bitch so stfu and pay attention"). But this sweet, innocent bean is in no way a bitch. So I told him that not everyone that opposes him is a bitch and he needs to shut up.
We go through the thing one more time, which is not as much as I wanted, but we've wasted too much time.
All through sectionals, he was messing easy shit up and making rude comments and not paying attention. I didn't add it all in because there's not enough time in the world and I was trying to ignore it.

I went to my next class shaking and breathing heavily. And my vision was blurry. I'm still shaking and it's hard to swallow

Sorry for taking up so much space, but I really had to rant.

@The-Magician group

So it all started in 1448 when humans thought it would be a good idea to start hunting down witches.
Just because my family were different and lived in this massive manor in the middle of the forest did not mean we were witches! Sure, we weren't exactly human, but they weren't to know that were they? And of course, playing dead when you are already dead is a lot harder to do than it seems, especially when they want to burn your body so your soul can't come back. Well jokes on them because the rest of my family never had souls to begin with! I, on the other hand, did. After all that malark we had to move away, since I kind of revealed the fact that we were definitely not human (that in itself is a long story).
—A Short Excerpt of Scarlett Tragavisson's Ridiculously Long Speech.

The beginning of time was fun. The first war I remember was in 595 BC—of course there were plenty more before that but I didn't care enough to actually pay attention to them—and let me tell you I had never been so amused to see grown humans fighting over Apollo's sacred land. I still remember the fire in their eyes, and you know when you get little tingles through your body because something you see just makes you all warm and fuzzy? Yeah, that's the feeling I got. As time went on, more wars took place, and I had a riot! (no pun intended). By the starting of the 1st Century, around 60 wars had already taken place. I didn't think it would get any better, and to my dismay, it didn't.
Wars began over petty little things like land, money, oil, trade lines etc. Nothing all that interesting really. I think that's when I decided that humans weren't as interesting as I originally thought they would be, and it's somewhat disappointing knowing that they will never be as interesting as they were before that Jesus guy was born. (I mean no disrespect to any Christians, I'm just not a fan).
—A Short Excerpt of Darach's Ridiculously Long Speech.

Lily just doesn't like them because, in her eyes, they are destroying the very thing she is there to protect. A.K.A The Earth.


I have my own unusual reasons to hate humans but if I were to mention them I'm 100% sure that everyone on this site would turn against me so I'll keep my mouth shut this time

Deleted user

Pickles you should have just knocked that guy unconscious and done sectionals without him.
He deserves that kind of misfortune

Deleted user

I have my own unusual reasons to hate humans but if I were to mention them I'm 100% sure that everyone on this site would turn against me so I'll keep my mouth shut this time

See this is when things get interesting though

Deleted user

So it all started in 1448 when humans thought it would be a good idea to start hunting down witches.
Just because my family were different and lived in this massive manor in the middle of the forest did not mean we were witches! Sure, we weren't exactly human, but they weren't to know that were they? And of course, playing dead when you are already dead is a lot harder to do than it seems, especially when they want to burn your body so your soul can't come back. Well jokes on them because the rest of my family never had souls to begin with! I, on the other hand, did. After all that malark we had to move away, since I kind of revealed the fact that we were definitely not human (that in itself is a long story).
—A Short Excerpt of Scarlett Tragavisson's Ridiculously Long Speech.

The beginning of time was fun. The first war I remember was in 595 BC—of course there were plenty more before that but I didn't care enough to actually pay attention to them—and let me tell you I had never been so amused to see grown humans fighting over Apollo's sacred land. I still remember the fire in their eyes, and you know when you get little tingles through your body because something you see just makes you all warm and fuzzy? Yeah, that's the feeling I got. As time went on, more wars took place, and I had a riot! (no pun intended). By the starting of the 1st Century, around 60 wars had already taken place. I didn't think it would get any better, and to my dismay, it didn't.
Wars began over petty little things like land, money, oil, trade lines etc. Nothing all that interesting really. I think that's when I decided that humans weren't as interesting as I originally thought they would be, and it's somewhat disappointing knowing that they will never be as interesting as they were before that Jesus guy was born. (I mean no disrespect to any Christians, I'm just not a fan).
—A Short Excerpt of Darach's Ridiculously Long Speech.

Lily just doesn't like them because, in her eyes, they are destroying the very thing she is there to protect. A.K.A The Earth.

As I expected from otherworldlies. These feelings are warranted. nods sagely

Deleted user

Only because this old soul is tired. I want to come back as a tree or something in my next life so I dont have to deal with this anymore.
Or hopefully I can just not reincarnate. That would be awesome too.

@HighPockets group

Only because this old soul is tired. I want to come back as a tree or something in my next life so I dont have to deal with this anymore.
Or hopefully I can just not reincarnate. That would be awesome too.

I feel like you'd be like the trees in Wizard of Oz that throw apples at people when they're annoyed

Deleted user

if you’re in band

kill him

I am and I might

what do you play?