forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@HighPockets group


You know that feeling when you want to go to Chik Fil A but it's a sunday?

That's how I feel emotionally right now.

I do not understand this at all. I don’t think I’ve ever even been to Chik Fil A.

I have twice, but one time was so long ago that I don't remember it and the other was from the location that apparently is pretty bad compared to the other one.
So next time I'm on the other side of Madison I'll try it I say, as if I'll get chicken nuggets over a big bowl of lo mein from the mall

Deleted user

Don't worry Dom, you and I are in the Never-Had-Chick-Fil-A-Club

@HighPockets group

Why do you go by Jynnie? {Not judging just curious lol}

Because Rogue One is my favorite movie and I relate to Jyn Erso a lot.

Also Jynnie what the FRICkkkkkkkkk is up with that Star Wars trailer?!?!

I don't know, I have a theory I'll PM you because it's spoilery

Deleted user

Excuse me if we take a side detour here–

Does anyone else get super annoyed when you offer up really good advice but the other person is just completely unresponsive and denies it, just so they can complain more? And you're sitting there realizing that they don't actually have a problem; that they are literally just complaining so people will pay attention to them.

God what is this world.

Deleted user

Why do you go by Jynnie? {Not judging just curious lol}

Because Rogue One is my favorite movie and I relate to Jyn Erso a lot.

Also Jynnie what the FRICkkkkkkkkk is up with that Star Wars trailer?!?!

I don't know, I have a theory I'll PM you because it's spoilery

Yeeeee we need to discusssssss

@Moxie group


Honestly, I get the wanting to just complain thing, but if that's the case tell or ask the person beforehand. Otherwise its just rude.

Deleted user

Seriously. I wasted all that brain power for good advice.

Deleted user

Excuse me if we take a side detour here–

Does anyone else get super annoyed when you offer up really good advice but the other person is just completely unresponsive and denies it, just so they can complain more? And you're sitting there realizing that they don't actually have a problem; that they are literally just complaining so people will pay attention to them.

God what is this world.

That's why I always ask people beforehand, "do you just want to vent or do you want an actual solution?"

@Pickles group

Excuse me if we take a side detour here–

Does anyone else get super annoyed when you offer up really good advice but the other person is just completely unresponsive and denies it, just so they can complain more? And you're sitting there realizing that they don't actually have a problem; that they are literally just complaining so people will pay attention to them.

God what is this world.

Yeah, a lot of times if they don't specify whether they want advice or rant, I have to ask because I don't want them to hate me for saying the wrong thing. I totally get wanting to give someone advice, but having been on the receiving end of that, I can say with certainty that sometimes people just want to be a holden caulfield and not do anything about their situation and just complain

Deleted user

Venting is still willing to be open to people helping you out.
Complaining is just being a sack of shit.

Deleted user

Don't worry Dom, you and I are in the Never-Had-Chick-Fil-A-Club

Why you vegetarian btw?

Because I love animals and don't want to eat their flesh Shrugs

Deleted user

Don't worry Dom, you and I are in the Never-Had-Chick-Fil-A-Club

Why you vegetarian btw?

Because I love animals and don't want to eat their flesh Shrugs

Shrugs Legit.

Lol 😂😂😂😂

Deleted user

Good morning ya'll. I'm pretty sure I'm dying but what's new?