forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@HighPockets group

Since school is starting soon, let's all take a moment of silence in honor of the people whose names begin with "E" who have to do the adjective game as an icebreaker.

Deleted user

Since school is starting soon, let's all take a moment of silence in honor of the people whose names begin with "E" who have to do the adjective game as an icebreaker.

I feel so attached to this

@HighPockets group

I’ve never experienced the adjective game

Basically it goes like this:
You go around in a circle and choose an adjective that describes you BUT it has to start with the same letter as your first name.
There were 2 other kids with E names in my class last year.
It was awful.
One even had the same same as me, and we're actually pretty good friends, I just feel like weird talking about her because I feel like I'm talking in the third person lmao

Deleted user

Why do you go by Jynnie? {Not judging just curious lol}

Deleted user

Sometimes I forget your name isn't Jynnie

Unfortunately it's not

What are you talking about? Of course your name is Jynnie.

@HighPockets group

Sometimes I forget your name isn't Jynnie

Unfortunately it's not

What are you talking about? Of course your name is Jynnie.

It is now.
The queen hath decried it to the lands.

@HighPockets group

Hey guess how many characters she has giggles in immature

I didn't know 73 was a sex position.

It said 69 when I looked

I know
It was a joke
Because I had some that I had forgotten to make public

Deleted user

Hey guess how many characters she has giggles in immature

I didn't know 73 was a sex position.

I'm sorry w h a t

Deleted user

Hey guess how many characters she has giggles in immature

I didn't know 73 was a sex position.

It said 69 when I looked

I know
It was a joke
Because I had some that I had forgotten to make public

Oh thank goodness, I was so confused

Deleted user

If you're creative anything can be a sex position

Mom if you're reading this it's a joke don't kill me