forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

You guys are over here bragging about such mediocre meals, but I truly had the most impressive feast…


I skipped breakfast.

Same lmao

@HighPockets group

He does Crash Course Literature (it's really good! Kinda like OSP but he'll pick one or two deeper questions to analyze as opposed to a deep plot synopsis.)

@HighPockets group

I'm not a huge fan of his books but I love his videos lol
I do really like An Abundance of Katherines though, which I feel like is a hella unpopular opinion lmao

Deleted user

I am still on the fence about that one. I feel like i should have liked it but…… (Shrugs)

@HighPockets group

I was also running a fever when I read it iirc so that might have something to do with it, but I remember laughing at it and finding it hilarious. And I have an insanely high tolerance for whiny main characters.
Looks at Luke Skywalker, Victor Frankenstein, and Hamlet