forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@HighPockets group

Anyways I'd like to take a moment to be rude to the sand dune I saw today. It was nice, but not quite worth the 4.5 mile walk up a ton of stairs to see it.
4/10 do not recommend.
The rocks there are cool though, go when it storms.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Okay, so I have a friend and all of this happened to her. I’m gonna call her Ana.

So Ana has been in pageants for years and has busted her ass to get the title as Queen of our county or whatever. I don’t follow that, so I don’t know all the terminology. Anyway, it’s been her DREAM to get that title. She’s put so much effort into making this a great community. If you look at a community-related program or something, chances are her name will show up. She’s such an amazing person and deserves that title for all she’s done for this community. Last year she was the runner up for Queen. She’s going to college now and is working at a preschool—still helping people. She became my friend and lunch buddy without question and stood by my side when things got rocky with my creeper situation and other things. She confided into me when either the good or the bad happened. She’s put up with a lot of shit from people that she doesn’t deserve, and it just pisses me off that this happened to her.

She finally got that crown and sash this year. I’ve seen the pictures and she was practically crying when she was crowned Queen. I was super proud of her, and it was clear she was thrilled and proud. I would be too, with all the hard work she’s put into this.

Only days after, she was stripped of her crown and sash.

Apparently, you’re not allowed to show public displays of affection while wearing the crown and sash as Queen. You’re also supposed to be supervised. She was at the fair one day wearing both—in our community, mind you, the one that those two things represent. She was with her fiance and mother and was holding her fiance’s hand. No big deal, right? Most people would just shrug it off and go on with their day. Only people into pageants would know about that rule, and even then handholding isn’t very PDA

Someone happened to see her and took a picture, cropped out her mother (she’s supposed to be supervised, even tho she’s 19) and sent it in to report her. Guess who it was? The sister of the runner up that lost to Ana. Think about that. Who would have the motivation to revoke her crown and sash and the knowledge of that particular rule? The runner up and her family. And they would’ve had to’ve been practically stalking her to get that picture and to know she’d be there, because it’s not like she announced that she’d be there.

Ana was called down and told to bring her crown and sash without any explanation, and then they were revoked just like that. They also had the audacity to say she could run again next time. Like ????? Fuck no.

There are people getting on her ass for “breaking the rules” and “she’s been doing it long enough to know better” and bullshit like that. I just… lkgasdfkjweihglsdkjfsdfjalskdfj asjaglkdjfalsdjfl;asgstheycankissmyassandfuckrightoff

@ElderGod-kirky group

Spiteful girls that don't get what they want, apparently.

People who have never met Ana already know her because of the work she does for our community. My mom said she heard the runner-up's name and had no clue who she was, and my mom knows a lot of people, even just names she hears. I think it's just really sad that they resorted to practically stalking her in order to get her crown and sash revoked for such a small thing as holding hands with her fiance—and cropping out the mother in the photo. She wasn't too far from Ana, as required, so that was total bullshit when they claimed she was unsupervised.

Deleted user


Deleted user

It's a fricking pageant. I'm not saying they don't matter, because they do to a lot of people, but they do not matter enough for this.

@Moxie group

Can't they just explain that her mom was right there? Like her mom can go in and testify? And it was her fiance people goddamn have an ounce of chill and compassion.
Sorry I'm mad about this now

@ElderGod-kirky group

  • "But she's not in the picture—our only source of physical evidence—so therefore that claim is false"
  • "ANY form of PDA is against the rules, and she should know this by now because she's been in them long enough to know the rules by heart"

Likely what people against her would say