forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Enter Fortinbras, 15 minutes late with Starbucks

Enter Dogberry, mourning and misquoting Hamlet

Montjoy enters with a message, sees the chaos, and runs back out

enter Horatio, already crying

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Enter Fortinbras, 15 minutes late with Starbucks

Enter Dogberry, mourning and misquoting Hamlet

Montjoy enters with a message, sees the chaos, and runs back out

enter Horatio, already crying

Enter Polonius, spewing random sayings at the most inopportune times.

@HighPockets group

Enter Fortinbras, 15 minutes late with Starbucks

Enter Dogberry, mourning and misquoting Hamlet

Montjoy enters with a message, sees the chaos, and runs back out

enter Horatio, already crying

Enter Polonius, spewing random sayings at the most inopportune times.

Enter Beatrice, sassing Benedick

Deleted user

Enter Fortinbras, 15 minutes late with Starbucks

Enter Dogberry, mourning and misquoting Hamlet

Montjoy enters with a message, sees the chaos, and runs back out

enter Horatio, already crying

Enter Polonius, spewing random sayings at the most inopportune times.

Enter Beatrice, sassing Benedick

Enter Tybalt, ready to bitch

@HighPockets group

Enter Fortinbras, 15 minutes late with Starbucks

Enter Dogberry, mourning and misquoting Hamlet

Montjoy enters with a message, sees the chaos, and runs back out

enter Horatio, already crying

Enter Polonius, spewing random sayings at the most inopportune times.

Enter Beatrice, sassing Benedick

Enter Tybalt, ready to bitch

Enter Hamlet, depressed and complaining

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Enter Fortinbras, 15 minutes late with Starbucks

Enter Dogberry, mourning and misquoting Hamlet

Montjoy enters with a message, sees the chaos, and runs back out

enter Horatio, already crying

Enter Polonius, spewing random sayings at the most inopportune times.

Enter Beatrice, sassing Benedick

Enter Tybalt, ready to bitch

Enter Mecurito, making a pun while holding in his guts.

Enter Hamlet, depressed and complaining

Enter Romeo, already scanning the party for hot chicks, his date forgotten at the door.

Deleted user

Enter Fortinbras, 15 minutes late with Starbucks

Enter Dogberry, mourning and misquoting Hamlet

Montjoy enters with a message, sees the chaos, and runs back out

enter Horatio, already crying

Enter Polonius, spewing random sayings at the most inopportune times.

Enter Beatrice, sassing Benedick

Enter Tybalt, ready to bitch

Enter Mecurito, making a pun while holding in his guts.

Enter Hamlet, depressed and complaining

Enter Romeo, already scanning the party for hot chicks, his date forgotten at the door.

Enter Macbeth, looking shady

@Pickles group

Enter Fortinbras, 15 minutes late with Starbucks

Enter Dogberry, mourning and misquoting Hamlet

Montjoy enters with a message, sees the chaos, and runs back out

enter Horatio, already crying

Enter Polonius, spewing random sayings at the most inopportune times.

Enter Beatrice, sassing Benedick

Enter Tybalt, ready to bitch

Enter Mecurito, making a pun while holding in his guts.

Enter Hamlet, depressed and complaining

Enter Romeo, already scanning the party for hot chicks, his date forgotten at the door.

Enter Macbeth, looking shady

Enter Puck, trying to guess who's who, but failing miserably

@HighPockets group

Enter Fortinbras, 15 minutes late with Starbucks

Enter Dogberry, mourning and misquoting Hamlet

Montjoy enters with a message, sees the chaos, and runs back out

enter Horatio, already crying

Enter Polonius, spewing random sayings at the most inopportune times.

Enter Beatrice, sassing Benedick

Enter Tybalt, ready to bitch

Enter Mecurito, making a pun while holding in his guts.

Enter Hamlet, depressed and complaining

Enter Romeo, already scanning the party for hot chicks, his date forgotten at the door.

Enter Macbeth, looking shady

Enter Puck, trying to guess who's who, but failing miserably

Enter Lady Macbeth, ready to kill the highest ranking person and become prom queen

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Enter Fortinbras, 15 minutes late with Starbucks

Enter Dogberry, mourning and misquoting Hamlet

Montjoy enters with a message, sees the chaos, and runs back out

enter Horatio, already crying

Enter Polonius, spewing random sayings at the most inopportune times.

Enter Beatrice, sassing Benedick

Enter Tybalt, ready to bitch

Enter Mecurito, making a pun while holding in his guts.

Enter Hamlet, depressed and complaining

Enter Romeo, already scanning the party for hot chicks, his date forgotten at the door.

Enter Macbeth, looking shady

Enter Puck, trying to guess who's who, but failing miserably

Enter Lady Macbeth, ready to kill the highest ranking person and become prom queen

Enter Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, who are bringing the mail for everyone.

Deleted user

Well, I knew that. My question is more of a why is this going on lmao

Deleted user

Well, I knew that. My question is more of a why is this going on lmao

Why not?
Honestly, Shakespeare is the greatest shit poster to ever live.

Deleted user

Why not?
Honestly, Shakespeare is the greatest shit poster to ever live.

Whatever floats your boat, then