forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@HighPockets group

And? I never said you couldn't. I was put on Prozac when I was 8, and got put on an antidepressant in eighth grade that severely worsened it and gave me suicidal thoughts and other issues that, 2 years later, still haven't gone away.

Deleted user

Right. So insinuating that age makes it any less possible is stupid.

Deleted user

the convo was never about age.
it was poking fun at the ones who say their depressed when they have no idea what it means to actually be depressed.

Deleted user

I'm in a bad mood from knowing that I have to go back to school tomorrow, so I'm ready to t h r o w h a n d s today.

@HighPockets group

I wasn't insinuating anything, just stating that most of the people who claim to have depression (and aren't diagnosed, making it invalid) are like 12 and probably are just sad.

Deleted user

I'm in a bad mood from knowing that I have to go back to school tomorrow, so I'm ready to t h r o w h a n d s today.

Lucky! My district started today.

I swear I'm not going.
I can't do it.

@HighPockets group

I'm in a bad mood from knowing that I have to go back to school tomorrow, so I'm ready to t h r o w h a n d s today.

Lucky! My district started today.

I swear I'm not going.
I can't do it.

Hey, 9th grade has some good classes! 9th grade Honors English was amazing, and science was pretty good…

@Mojack group

I’ve got classes starting tomorrow. Art, resource, math and history (this semester at least). Which to be fair they’re all pretty good classes to have especially my resource.

Deleted user

all I can imagine is Harry Potter's Aunt and I don't really know how to feel about that

@ElderGod-kirky group

Just wanna say, screw AP Physics. I've only had it for 4(?) days, but it's an hour long and the last class of the day. I'd much rather stay in commercial arts for the rest of the day, instead of only around 2 hours in the morning.


Really quick, just to clarify what I meant by 12 years olds and whatever, I meant that a lot of the time young people are overly dramatic and like to throw themselves into emotional tailspins whenever the slightest inconvenience occurs. I know full damn well that kids can be depressed, and I don’t mean those kids. I mean the ones who aren’t depressed, just shallow and stupid.