forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers


Fine. I do not apologize for the cussing lol

Okay so like…why is it that something is "cool" and "so amazing" until teenage girls are interested in it? Like if a girl likes football/comics/other "nerdy" or "men only" stuff, then it's "oh you're just a fan because (insert X male relative/love interest) likes it. You aren't a real fan" or "you're just doing it because you think it makes you cool. Do you even know anything about it? Youre such a fucking fake fan". Like really? Come on! And people rag on teenage girls ALL THE DAMN TIME for wearing "revealing" or "slutty" or "inappropriate" outfits but its like…if you look in the teenage girl section, there are literally only short shorts available. Don't fucking tell me to dress "less sluttily" and that im "asking to get raped" then only sell mee short shorts. That's not my fault when it's the only goddamn thing available!!

And then there's like…music. like most "boy bands" and whatever actually have decent music (except Justin Bieber). Like did you know that back in the day, Frank Sinatra's main fan group was mostly girls, and most men and older people just dismissed him because hes "just a teenage girl fad" and whatever? And then at some point middle-aged white men decided that they liked him, and all of a sudden hes "a classic" and shit like that. Same with other, similar artists.

Back to the rape thing, because i CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. If a teenage girl is wearing something, no matter what it is, that is not consent. If an older man raped a teen boy who was wearing shorts, said older dude would be convicted, even if he used the "classic", "well, they were asking for it by wearing such slutty clothes". But if said man raped a teenage girl who was wearing shorts, it's "she was asking for it" and "if she didn't want to be raped, she shouldn't have work that" and fucking hell I'm sick of it.

Like god. Things are cool and awesome and shit like that until teenage girls go "oh, i like this! This is cool!" And then its "oh that's stupid. It's so ~cringy~ now. God, who even does that?" And I'm so fucking done.

This was basically just a rant because I didn't really prepare i just poured out my thoughts lol. But you asked for me to post it, @Moxie , so here it is

@Moxie group

And then there's like…music. like most "boy bands" and whatever actually have decent music (except Justin Bieber). Like did you know that back in the day, Frank Sinatra's main fan group was mostly girls, and most men and older people just dismissed him because hes "just a teenage girl fad" and whatever? And then at some point middle-aged white men decided that they liked him, and all of a sudden hes "a classic" and shit like that. Same with other, similar artists.

That’s what happened with the Beetles


The Beetles are just overrated in general, in my opinion, not because teenage girls used to like them. That and they were racist and shit so. Blegh

^^^^^ agreed

@HighPockets group

Honestly, I hate that it’s being made a stereotype and I hate that people hate it. Making something a stereotype -especially something only teenage girls are doing- usually only makes fun of teenage girls and makes it harder for them to enjoy things. I don’t think we need to make it harder for teenage girls to just live their lives.

Today all of the cross-country guys at my school dressed up as vsco girls and it was so dumb. Like just let people enjoy things ffs

@HighPockets group

Fine. I do not apologize for the cussing lol

Okay so like…why is it that something is "cool" and "so amazing" until teenage girls are interested in it? Like if a girl likes football/comics/other "nerdy" or "men only" stuff, then it's "oh you're just a fan because (insert X male relative/love interest) likes it. You aren't a real fan" or "you're just doing it because you think it makes you cool. Do you even know anything about it? Youre such a fucking fake fan". Like really? Come on! And people rag on teenage girls ALL THE DAMN TIME for wearing "revealing" or "slutty" or "inappropriate" outfits but its like…if you look in the teenage girl section, there are literally only short shorts available. Don't fucking tell me to dress "less sluttily" and that im "asking to get raped" then only sell mee short shorts. That's not my fault when it's the only goddamn thing available!!

Dude I'm a massive Star Wars fan and I fucking hate when people are like "oh did you get into it because of your dad?" as if I'm not capable of enjoying things on my own. And for the record, I'm the only person in my family who's like hardcore into Star Wars.

Also this all reminds me of the whole double standard of how a guy protagonist can shoot lighting from his ass and fanboys will bend over backwards to explain how it's justified in-universe and it's a normal amount of powers, but when a female lead has any sort of agency or powers it's forcing an SJW agenda and feminist propaganda and she's a Mary Sue.
Like shut the fuck up and let women have one female-led movie without pissing your pants with rage.


Okay EVERYTHING you just said @MontJyn. Like Captain Marvel? All the fanboys are like "omg shes too powerful !!11!!" And "why does she have her own movie???" Like SHUT THE FUCK UP. You got TEN YEARS of male wish fulfillment, now clear the goddamn way because it is my turn.

@HighPockets group

That's valid, I just think their music is kind of bland, what of it I've heard. I'll admit, Twist and Shout is a bop though

I don't dance but when Twist and Shout plays.
I do.

@HighPockets group

Okay EVERYTHING you just said @MontJyn. Like Captain Marvel? All the fanboys are like "omg shes too powerful !!11!!" And "why does she have her own movie???" Like SHUT THE FUCK UP. You got TEN YEARS of male wish fulfillment, now clear the goddamn way because it is my turn.

Oh, it's more than 10 years for sure.
And another case in point, the "she's got help" scene from Avengers: Endgame where all the girls band together to fight and fanbois were like "omg it's fuhmuhnuhst propaganda!1" as if the standard ensemble, especially in superhero movies, isn't a bunch of guys with 1 girl.


Okay EVERYTHING you just said @MontJyn. Like Captain Marvel? All the fanboys are like "omg shes too powerful !!11!!" And "why does she have her own movie???" Like SHUT THE FUCK UP. You got TEN YEARS of male wish fulfillment, now clear the goddamn way because it is my turn.

Oh, it's more than 10 years for sure.
And another case in point, the "she's got help" scene from Avengers: Endgame where all the girls band together to fight and fanbois were like "omg it's fuhmuhnuhst propaganda!1" as if the standard ensemble, especially in superhero movies, isn't a bunch of guys with 1 girl.

Oh. My. God. This is another "dont get me started" one. Seriously. That and the female Ghostbusters one.

@HighPockets group

Like is it really that bad for there to be a fun supernatural movie with 4 female leads? Is it hurting anyone? It's not like it's replacing the OG Ghostbusters, it's just saying "hey it'd be kinda neat if the Ghostbusters were girls!"
Or with people losing their shit about Batwoman being a lesbian when she's been a lesbian for a long time.
Or guys getting upset that there's no male gems in Steven Universe despite the entire gem race being femme-presenting nonbinaries?
And how we know nothing about Yoda's backstory or even his species but it's accepted that he's hella powerful, but Rey-From-Nowhere needs 4 forms of ID and a full family tree before she can beat an already-injured man in a fight and life some rocks after training with the chosen one's son.

@HighPockets group

Lemme get Personal for a second:
The first time I wrote an actual story, with the intent of publishing it someday, I wrote in 1st person and took several aspects from myself and put them into the character. She was bi-ace, she had Asperger's and would have a sensory overload if there was too much noise and commotion, and she didn't trust easily. And I put some things I wanted for myself in there too. She had a close relationship with her younger sister (something I've never really had), she eventually got a sweet, awkward boyfriend who was definitely my type, she even had a name that I thought was super cool. Hell, I named her after who I planned on having as my confirmation saints, one of which I actually have as mine. And the entire time I wrote her, I was terrified that she would be seen as a Mary Sue, because all of the writing things I saw online said that being a Mary Sue was the worst thing a leading lady could be. But the thing is (and I'd know, I've written multiple essays on it for school) there's no one definition. A Mary Sue was originally a shameless self-insert who was shoved into universes and made the plot revolve around her (think Enoby from My Immortal). But over time it became a woman who was powerful, skilled, and had agency, especially if she had all 3. And the farther down the Mary Sue research rabbithole I went, the more confused I got. People were saying that Katniss was a Mary Sue, but how? Her skills were all explained, and the story revolving around her is lampshaded in Mockingjay. She's the exact opposite of a Mary Sue. Soon it seemed like what happened was this: a male viewer or 'critic' didn't like a female character, and didn't want people to like her, so he called her a Mary Sue even if she wasn't one. Because a character being called a Mary Sue automatically degrades them. Mary Sue means the character isn't good. Mary Sue means the character is for girls. Mary Sue means the character is bad, and you should feel bad for liking her too! My friends and I often joke that Henry V is a Mary Sue since he's near-perfect except for his righteous anger at the murder of the boys (and most of it is joking, although kinda based in fact), but if I said that to a literary professor, he'd think I was being ridiculous. Think for a moment about the amount of times you've heard the phrase Gary Stu as compared to Mary Sue. Superman gets away with what Captain Marvel can't. When a movie has a female lead, the moment the trailer drops the internet screams "MARY SUE!" as if that's worse than there being yet another movie where the women in it are used solely as sex appeal, fridge filler, and damsels in distress. I'd rather have an OP female lead than a dead one. And then of course there's the questions of "why does the lead have to be a girl?!" as if women aren't like 50% of the population. Newsflash: women don't need a reason to exist in a film. Neither do people of color, disabled people, or LGBTQA+ people. They. Fucking. Exist. And they deserve movies that aren't slandered with the dreaded "SJW!!" label just for featuring a lead who isn't a straight allosexual white able-bodied cis man.
I still try to make sure my characters have flaws because everyone has flaws, that's just realistic. But I'm not afraid of them being called Mary Sues anymore. I still take the quizzes, but more so to see if they're interesting and well-developed, but I'm not afraid of Joe Neckbeard McBasementdweller calling me an SJW for having diverse casts.