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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I’ll sum is up because I don’t want to make this too long. And correct it if I am wrong as I am not fully educated but have only seen many opinions.
She is a better pilot then everyone else, even in vehicles she’s never flown before.
Better shot and only misses once even with ships never before used.
Hella force strength without training.
Really good lightsaber weilder and is better than everyone except one Grand Jedi Master for a bit even when he had killed other Jedi still without training.
She is oh so good.
Immediately liked except by people we are supposed to dislike and the guy who committed suicide while and then she robs him and that is supposed to be good.
The world is hugely bent around her as power comes with training yet she has unprecedented levels of power nonetheless. (Barring dudes like Yoda who had trained forever.)
She is the main focus whenever on screen, even making the villain drop the search for the map that is his main objective because of her, as well as making the defected stormtrooper at odds with his backstory as well as making a central character ignore already existent friendships to put critical story needs on her shoulders after first meeting.
She’s the best and the support characters only get a chance to shine when she is out of the screen.
She faces no true difficulty and wins no matter the odds.


Mmm i see your point about Rae now. I don't entirely agree, but i do see your point. She wasn't even my favorite character in the first place, but eh. Although I hate Kylo Ren with a burning passion because he sucks ass as a Villain, so there's that lol

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So this is waaaayyy off topic but…as a teenager living under my parents roof and using their internet, and they are paying for my phone and such, do i still deserve privacy in what i do online? (And I'm not asking because I'm like…looking up porn or something, i mean for sites like Notebook) Do i deserve to not have them breathing down my neck and seeing everything i post and say? By the way, my parents are conservative Republicans, and while idk exactly what i am, I'm leaning towards Democrat. So. My political views do not match theirs much, if at all. Especially on the LGBTQ+ community, and that's what I'm mostly afraid of them finding out, because they'd be pissed that I don't agree with them (my parents). Also i realize that this is probably the wrong topic to post this in, but idk where else to put it lol

Sorry for the long-ass post

I feel dude. I pretty much agree politically with my parents but I totally get it. On the one hand I try not to get pissed because they want to protect me. But you know. It’s my deal.
I realize this might not be an option, but see if you can talk to them. Ask them why they believe the things they do. Hopefully they’ll tell you all about it so you can see their point of view as well as all the weak spots in their arguments.


It's not even the politics thats the issue to me, its the fact that they think that they are privy to every little detail of my life?? Like no, i don't want to show you everything I do, and you should accept that and move on.

And yeah i straddle the fence here, for Rae. I see both sides of the argument lol


I'm not saying she isn't a Mary Sue, I don't even give enough of a shit about the movies to care about her, I'm just saying. You replace she with he in most of those sentences and you've got a good majority of male protagonists. Yeah, a large generalization, but man, as someone who used to read like it was breathing, too many of them are exactly the same and exactly like that

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I'm not saying she isn't a Mary Sue, I don't even give enough of a shit about the movies to care about her, I'm just saying. You replace she with he in most of those sentences and you've got a good majority of male protagonists. Yeah, a large generalization, but man, as someone who used to read like it was breathing, too many of them are exactly the same and exactly like that

Remember Kirito LOL.