forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

Jyn Erso begs to differ.

About the Disney protag thing, not the…other thing.

oof I always forget about that masterpiece of a movie. I consider that not a Disney movie because it's amazing and everyone dies.
Jyn is the outlier. There is always one

Deleted user

Luke has always been a bland Gary Stu. Fite me.

Not going to because agreed

bUt i wAs gOiNg iNtO tOscHe sTaTiOn tO pIcK uP sOmE pOwER coNVeRtErS!!!

MAYBE if you had some EMOTION other than BLAND POTATO we'd have loved you as much as ANAKIN you casual FLOOF

@HighPockets group

Jyn Erso begs to differ.

About the Disney protag thing, not the…other thing.

oof I always forget about that masterpiece of a movie. I consider that not a Disney movie because it's amazing and everyone dies.
Jyn is the outlier. There is always one

When I tell people that Rogue One is my favorite movie they're always like "huh??" and I'm like -__-
I'm sure you totally couldn't tell that I really really love Rogue One based on my completely original and not Star Wars referencing username ;P
The TV shows also do a good job with Hera and Sabine especially because Sabine gets to be angry. A girl gets to be angry.

@HighPockets group

I really love it then again I love all of them
It's a movie I rewatch a lot because it always makes me happy. Also Emilia Clarke is gorgeous.
The two things I dislike are that the first 10 minutes have really bad lighting and it's hard to see, and the death of Tobias Beckett since it seemed kinda rushed/last minute and I think the ending would've been better if there was still an active threat to Han.

@Pickles group

Off topic. The kids on my bus are so loud and annoying. My earbuds are broken. I have to listen to them. One of them is claiming he made up the word hooker. I think that word's been around longer than he has or at least almost as long. The rest are agreeing. I wish my parents would let me drive.

@HighPockets group

Yeah, sounds like a public school bus.
And surprisingly normal as far as that goes….let's just say my friends have seen worse. Along with at the school I went to last year. Much worse.

Deleted user

Oof. The public school buses for my school were so bad I chose to walk 3 miles to and from school

Deleted user

One of my friends walked into a threeway in a school bathroom when he was in 9th grade….I fucking hated that school.


Deleted user

One of my friends walked into a threeway in a school bathroom when he was in 9th grade….I fucking hated that school.


It was an 8th and 9th grade school


Deleted user

Hi can I be rude to the way my parents teach really quick ok thanks

So what annoys me the most is that they make learning a negative experience. The thing I remember most when I was younger is struggling in something and absolutely dreading having to go over it with my parents, therefore translating to ‘I hate work outside of school’. Which is exactly which is happening to my sister right now.

They’re going over simple spelling words, and when I left downstairs my sister was struggling with writing an a. She was writing a 9 instead, which honestly I cannot blame her for, a lot of kids her age have that mistake.

Instead of being idk


Or maybe trying to talk slowly through how to make an a

Nah let’s just threaten her


My dad was getting really frustrated and I’m pretty sure he gave up because she was saying she couldn’t do it. Basically she was shutting down because of how he was teaching her and not learning anything other than something negative.

I personally have gone through the same thing and I’m super glad that I don’t have to anymore. But the effects of how they taught me (just as threateningly as my sister, mind you) still run deep. I don’t like doing homework at home (but I took a study hall this year and I’m fine with focusing etc), and I get this feeling when a teacher is trying to assist me in something, I’m just frustrating them if I get an example problem wrong multiple times. Also another adverse effect is that I don’t ask questions, which is something I had to break out of for my high school career (my parents don’t like being asked stupid questions because they’ll act like it was super obvious or something).

Deleted user

I honestly plan on it as soon as I can. One of these days I will be stepping in to help but my dad had the list of words they were going over so I couldn’t help today, but I do like helping her with math, which is mostly what traumatized me the most back in the days of my parents working with me.

Deleted user

Yikes. I had that problem when I was young too with my step dad, but my mom would always step in to make it all better.
I just eventually stopped asking/going to them for help.

I failed a class in high school because of that. (Calculus ACC) Instead of bugging me about it, they let me drop it because I hate math and none of us wanted to deal with it.

Deleted user

Instagram reminded me that 2 years ago I was a Red Head™. What the fuck was I thinking?