forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

what the FUCK

is there an argument about blueberries or raspberries or something because what


lmao Emi from what I've gauged it's about blackberries, potatoes, and uhh, being asses to each other as a reunion??

Deleted user



I had no idea this is what I would come back to after twelve hours but apparently

@ElderGod-kirky group

I never fucking claimed I'm innocent. I can't help it that I look like some Disney-loving chick. Hell, I'm wearing my favorite five finger death punch shirt. I bet you know which one I'm talking about

@ElderGod-kirky group

The only so-called 'innocent act' I'm guilty of is keeping my trap shut around people I don't like, which makes then falsely conclude that I'm this nice little naive girl in the class. Again, I can't help how they think.

And as for my appearance, there's no way in Hell I'm going out of my way to change how I look just to make people underestimate me. That would actually be all for nought if they heard me talking to my friends or overheard my music. Why would I make an effort to visibly fool them, but make no effort whatsoever to back up my deception?

@HighPockets group

Has anyone discussed the weird sexist biases in the medical world?
Because yesterday I found out that when I was a young kid and went to see a doctor about behavioral stuff, I was told that I was perfectly normal and just a girl and too smart for the classes. Because I was acting out during class. -_-
And this is why autism awareness in girls is fucking important because those memes about "hysteria" and "being-a-woman disease" in the 1800s? Literally happened to me in the 2000s.

@ElderGod-kirky group

The medical world in general sucks and needs discussed. My dad is diabetic and needs insulin to live. You can easily get insulin from pigs, so you'd think this life-saving but easy-to-obtain substance would be affordable, right? Wrong. They know you need it, so they jack up the price to in the thousands because they fucking know you need it and will pay for it no matter what. It's bullshit.

Deleted user

….listening to metal music doesn't make you 'not innocent'…. just sayin

@ElderGod-kirky group

Crocs and me arguing? It was all a show because everyone seemed entertained by it. We were literally chatting off to the side about what to argue about next and whatnot

Deleted user

Well that was a waste of mild entertainment.
I only have so much of that.