forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@HighPockets group

See, stuff like this is exactly why I stopped following this thread. I don't really need extra emotions in my life, since I already have the vent chat.

Then unfollow it? It's not that deep lmao

Deleted user

Wtf???? We werent even saying anything particularly negative…?


I meant this chat as a whole, not any specific person. And yeah, I guess it wasn't completely torn apart, but there was still a lot of side-picking and gossip separating this community

Deleted user

Idk about gossip, but sure there is a separation. I think it is based on maturity though.

Deleted user

Question: do y’all ever really not like somebody but you can’t come up with a sufficient reason as to why?

Oh, definitely.

Deleted user

The fact that they breathe the same air as me is reason enough tbh.

@ElderGod-kirky group

One of my guidance teachers gives me the same feeling. I don't necessarily dislike him, but I…don't…like…him? if that makes sense? I have no issues with the dude, but you won't see me actively going out of my way to talk to him