forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

While this chat makes me merry,
Tyrian purple dyes many a hue
From magenta to berry
And a true purple too.

But fun as it is to watch this poetic race
The answer is staring you right in the face:
Roses are red and violets are blue
Because nothing fucking rhymes with purple.

Deleted user

Uuugh, gonna get my binder todayyy!!! I have zero ideas as to hiding it from parents. The shipping date was a little off and it was supposed to arrive on Sunday but hey, it's Tuesday and I'm dying.

Deleted user

Chest binder. Also, trans suggests being transgender, which isn't quite correct. More "Esteemed Genderqueer" than anything. Chest binders allow thy to have a flattened chest.

Deleted user

I'm so fricking dumb
I thought you meant, like, a school binder

@Pickles group

I'm so fricking dumb
I thought you meant, like, a school binder


Deleted user

So I found out that my boyfriend is mildly allergic to my cat and he was hiding it from me so he could come over and spend time with me (and my cat because he loves the lil bastard more than me), but this is how it went down.

Me: blathering on about some subject I'm interested in
BF: sneezes
Me: Bless. continues blathering
BF: sneezes again
Me: Uh. Bless? Control your nose.
BF: laughs, wheezes, and sneezes again. And again. And again.
Me: Groooooooooooooooss. Bless you. Can I continue?
BF: Grins adorably, and sneezes again. Starts coughing.
Me: What in the fuck? Are you dying?
BF: I think I forgot to take my medicine. wheezes and sneezes
Me: Medicine?
BF: I think I may be mildly allergic to cats. Coughs
Me: queue me losing my mind and practically ODing my BF on allergy medicine
My Cat: sits in BF's lap and howls for pets.

It makes me giggle to think about so I thought I would share.

@HighPockets group

Did your cat start meowing at him when he sneezed?
I can be in a different room than my cat but if I sneeze she mrows and comes running in to check on me lol

@ElderGod-kirky group

That's amazing. Not for your boyfriend, cause allergies suck, but yeah. Reminds me of how my dad has to stand back while us girls fawn over horses cause he's allergic to them. And how my mom practically forced her strawberry allergies away by continuing to eat them.

Deleted user

I'm trying to convince him to join up here because he writes too, but he's a butthead and won't listen to me.

Deleted user

I know right?! Slay me sideways.
He's more a poetry writer, but he helps me brainstorm/world build all the time.

Deleted user

so when you have a friend and then they make another friend that is way cooler than you apparently so you become the background, lost, and forgotten friend.

This is why I don't socialize.


so when you have a friend and then they make another friend that is way cooler than you apparently so you become the background, lost, and forgotten friend.

This is why I don't socialize.

Me. Except I literally am like addicted to socializing so I never stop. Weird right?

@Pickles group

so when you have a friend and then they make another friend that is way cooler than you apparently so you become the background, lost, and forgotten friend.

This is why I don't socialize.
