forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

(Hey y'all… does someone mind explaining why?)

mmmmmmmm PM me and I will

Deleted user

apparently y'all weren't around for the December of madness


(Hey y'all… does someone mind explaining why?)

I’ll explain in PMs, it’s a very long complicated story that I happen to know a lot about cause I may or may not have snapped at him a few times which I may or may not regret severely

Deleted user

Also, Eris, I don’t think you are the one he hates here…

I highly doubt that, but thanks?

Deleted user

Ella does he hate you?

Far from it. Like universal far from it

Deleted user

No, he doesn't.
I don't think he hates me either, but I guess only he knows shrugs