forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Thank you, Lori.
I'm glad you found him interesting, Eris.

Deleted user

Thank you, Ella.
I shall transfer that message to him.
However, that catto is also quite fat.

Deleted user

I posted this before and I'm posting it again because people just don't understand. If I have to say it once more I will literally take a hammer to my teeth and then give them to your mom and you'll have to watch her eat them.

Dear everyone,

You are perfectly aware of what the standards of "fine" are.
If you're not? Allow me to enlighten you.


  1. of high quality.
    "this was a fine piece of filmmaking"
    synonyms: excellent, first-class, first-rate, great, exceptional, outstanding, admirable, quality, superior, splendid, magnificent, beautiful, exquisite, choice, select, prime, supreme, superb, wonderful, sublime, superlative, very good, of high quality, of a high standard, second to none, top, rare;


  1. in a satisfactory or pleasing manner; very well.
    "“And how's the job-hunting going?” “Oh, fine.”"

So, when you say you are fine even though I have -clear evidence- you are not
Just say you don't wanna talk about it if you can't tell me the truth.
I'd rather have that than just "I'm fine"
-I'm starting to hate you with all of my heart ❤

Deleted user

I rather much enjoyed the threat at the beginning of the post

Deleted user

Technology is on my shit list this week. I deleted my story that I was working on twice on accident.

Why universe, why?

@HighPockets group

Technology is on my shit list this week. I deleted my story that I was working on twice on accident.

Why universe, why?

My phone just won't load some of my docs because they're too long
They're not stories, just shitposts about my characters

Deleted user

casually glances at my 'Outline' that is a 130 minute read


@Pickles group

What the heck makes a certain weekend just the best time to have a party? I hardly ever get invited to stuff and when I do, it's a bunch of stuff all in one weekend. Why can't it be spread out? I'm already exhausted and I still have stuff to do the rest of the weekend it's hecking Saturday. What was wrong with last weekend? I hate being busy. I really don't wanna go but I already said I would and I'm also terrified I'll miss something and be left out. What's wrong with me

Deleted user

And then I spend the entire day deciding whether or not I actually want to go–

Deleted user

Sorry I'm trying to get his attention
I'll try another chat lol

Deleted user

or you could just @ him but I don't think this is his chat

Deleted user

He doesn't like me. So I think he will avoid this chat at all costs.

But I know you won't listen so you do you