forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I know I should. I just haven't, even though I want to. Same with Spiderverse, I know it's good, I want to see it, I just… Haven't.

both are on netflix….?

@Pickles group

I know I should. I just haven't, even though I want to. Same with Spiderverse, I know it's good, I want to see it, I just… Haven't.

both are on netflix….?

Doesn't mean she has a Netflix

Deleted user

bootleg websites then. Jezz.

123movies has everythinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng

@Pickles group

So apparently I'm not allowed to dislike my school's dress code or defend my opinion because my parents are "tired of hearing me quote stuff off of Facebook". I don't have a Facebook. I don't look at Facebook posts. Let alone do I memorize them. So why would they think I'm "directly quoting things they've read on Facebook"? That means they're memorizing Facebook posts. What. The. Fuck. Oh yeah, and I'm not allowed to agree with my friends.

@TeamMezzo group

if he's not imma frackin riot
do you think desendants 3 will be dedicated to cameron boyce? bc if its not dedicated to cam i already have a riot squad

Deleted user

I don't know about any of this stuff but tbh just please kill me now all ima say.


So far, the trailer doesn't show Mushu, Shang, and includes less music, more action. What are y'alls thoughts?


if he's not imma frackin riot
do you think desendants 3 will be dedicated to cameron boyce? bc if its not dedicated to cam i already have a riot squad

That was so saaaad man, they’d better

Deleted user

So far, the trailer doesn't show Mushu, Shang, and includes less music, more action. What are y'alls thoughts?

There won't be a Shang. :(
There's a different love interest though, but he's no Li Shang. (heart eyes. drools)


So far, the trailer doesn't show Mushu, Shang, and includes less music, more action. What are y'alls thoughts?

There won't be a Shang. :(
There's a different love interest though, but he's no Li Shang. (heart eyes. drools)

Exactly. :(((

Deleted user

excuse me for being a bit heated. I wanted to be Shang when I was a wee young Goddess

@HighPockets group


Disney: Uses 1 scene of Lefou dancing with a guy and calls it gay rep
Disney: Has the chance to confirm what many people have headcanoned/suspected about Shang being bi and CUTS HIM FROM THE MOVIE instead

Deleted user

Yo, yup it's me, am back. Yaaaaaaaay, no one missed this ass May I be rude about something?

Deleted user

Not my chat, but I don't think you have to ask to be rude.


Deleted user

I know this person, a shit ass person, and I hate her.

She whines constantly, acts on impulse and emotions like she has nothing to fear from her actions. Like she doesn't care about anyone else. She claims she has anxiety, but she's always blabbering on about stupid shit. She ruins her friendships constantly and plays victims, she'll start drama then whine like the bitch she is about it on the internet.
She chooses to identify as a non-existent sexuality and play the victim card when she sees no rep. She whines constantly about her so-called "mental illnesses" and can't stop wanting eVERYONE to know about how depressed she is. She will get mad when you say something slightly off, and if you joke with her on a bad day she'll snap and get pissy. She bitches about she wants to apologize to people she was mean to or fucked over but pussies out. She says she's afraid she'll fuck it over again, but that bitch is just scared of getting her feelings hurt. She's the silent glaring type, and replays her sob story over and over again for attention to us few who actually give a fuck about her.
She claims she writes, but also claims she's too depressed to do said writing. And all topics HAVE to be about her and what SHE'S accomplished, how talented she is. How good her world building is, how bad her mother is.
Spineless yet independent, she's reckless and whiny, and never gets her stupid head out of the clouds. She'll ignore a whole ass conversation with you while she listens to music, she's too pussy to "Come out" to her family. She's a bitch, the biggest bitch i've ever met, and I hate her.
She has a weird hate complex, begging for you to hate her, saying you do anyway, and I about do.
She hates herself yet she's so self-absorbed. She's egotistical and apathetic.
Hate the bitch.