forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

And they don’t even DO anything, like WHY are they famous???

Daddy represented OJ Simpson. Got them lots of money.
Kim did sex tape. Got them Whore status and more money.

'Natural looks' (ahem tons of plastic surgery)

@Mojack group

I never really paid any attention to them at all. I think the most I really hear about them are when my friends joke about them. I can firmly say, I am not a fan of them.

Deleted user

Perhaps there is hope for y'all's generation afterall

Deleted user

I don't enjoy growing up with any generation. That made no fucking sense. It sounded better in my head. Just go with it okay?

Deleted user

Everyone is just so obsessed with themselves no a days. It's really….boring.

Everyone has to be 'special' by having some minority fun fact about themselves. "Oh I'm one fourth cherokee and super super gay so naturally I'm better than you." and everyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyone has a mental disorder that's self diagnosed after a couple days of feeling like shit. (rolls eyes) Complain, complain, complain. That's all it is. It's so sad and boring. No one can just….be themselves anymore.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

And it’s not allowed to speak your mind anymore! We can’t offend people. Any time you say something outside of the approved box you have to check over your shoulder to make sure you won’t be labeled as a racist bigoted homophobe.

Deleted user

I got called a homophobe the other day for making a silly gay joke.

a homophobe.


@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It doesn’t help that literally everything but coming out or showing support for the lgbt is labeled homophobia. Even silence can get you condemned. Luckily the people I hang out with are pretty understanding of my position even if they are lgbt.


Hello I need to rant and my friends are tired of me so please bear with me for a moment ^^
There's a lot going on and I really won't get into it too much but goodness my dad is acting like an absolute child! He's blaming others for his problems and calling my mum and I names and such. I am on the damn brink of losing my mind, and I just really need to talk about it. I don't understand what I've done wrong to make him so hostile towards my mum and I. Did I do something wrong?? I'm just so fed up with his nasty attitude and his sulking! Not only that either! He will call me a name (once he called me a faggot) and then when I get upset and cry he yells louder and tells me not to cry :( When I tell people about what he says he denies it up and down, swearing that he had never said anything of the sort and that he would never, then continues to call me a liar and other choice names :( I try really hard to be an optimist but sometimes it gets a bit to rough and I can't continue. I can't cry in front of him as he will scream at me.
Sometimes he has days where he is nice to me, but he continues to be mean to my mum and call her names. I'll admit sometimes I'll not pay attention and mess up, and my mum will get frustrated and talk to my dad about it, but he'll get mad and yell at her. He yells a lot and it gives me so much anxiety that sometimes I find it hard to breathe..
I feel better about some of it now that I've talked :)


Hello I need to rant and my friends are tired of me so please bear with me for a moment ^^
There's a lot going on and I really won't get into it too much but goodness my dad is acting like an absolute child! He's blaming others for his problems and calling my mum and I names and such. I am on the damn brink of losing my mind, and I just really need to talk about it. I don't understand what I've done wrong to make him so hostile towards my mum and I. Did I do something wrong?? I'm just so fed up with his nasty attitude and his sulking! Not only that either! He will call me a name (once he called me a faggot) and then when I get upset and cry he yells louder and tells me not to cry :( When I tell people about what he says he denies it up and down, swearing that he had never said anything of the sort and that he would never, then continues to call me a liar and other choice names :( I try really hard to be an optimist but sometimes it gets a bit to rough and I can't continue. I can't cry in front of him as he will scream at me.
Sometimes he has days where he is nice to me, but he continues to be mean to my mum and call her names. I'll admit sometimes I'll not pay attention and mess up, and my mum will get frustrated and talk to my dad about it, but he'll get mad and yell at her. He yells a lot and it gives me so much anxiety that sometimes I find it hard to breathe..
I feel better about some of it now that I've talked :)

Ok so I know what you mean bc my dad is very similar, and I know how it can feel like there’s nothing you can do and like you’re stuck until you can move out. And how sometimes you hate him but later you feel like you might be overreacting. My advice to you: the less you talk/the more you ignore him, the better you’ll feel. It sucks that you have to go through that too, I hope it gets better :)

@HighPockets group

Everyone is just so obsessed with themselves no a days. It's really….boring.

Everyone has to be 'special' by having some minority fun fact about themselves. "Oh I'm one fourth cherokee and super super gay so naturally I'm better than you." and everyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyone has a mental disorder that's self diagnosed after a couple days of feeling like shit. (rolls eyes) Complain, complain, complain. That's all it is. It's so sad and boring. No one can just….be themselves anymore.

Yeah, it's hella annoying, especially as someone who has quite a few mental illnesses and such to hear people going "well I took a quiz online and it said I'm 38% ADHD so I totally have ADHD now" because that isn't how it works. You need a diagnosis, and sometimes I feel scared to mention that I happen to have depression, anxiety, ADD, insomnia, and Asperger's (even though all of them have been confirmed by my doctors) because of the 'edgy' people who take one look at a sad textpost and decide they suddenly have a million mental illnesses. -__-

Deleted user

Jynnie you are constantly a mood for me. Thank you, O goddess of relatability.

Deleted user

I just don't get it. You're special about being who you are. Millions of individual, precious atoms form your being. You are the only one of you. And you have to try and top that? Do you really feel that worthless? I'm sorry, but those "special" and "edgy" people need a fucking wake up call.

@HighPockets group

It's like listen, Becky, I had an actual sleep study to confirm that I have insomnia and I had to lie super still in a bed with a shit ton of wires clicked onto my legs and held onto my head with wax for an entire night to learn that, your online quizzes and self-diagnosis could never.


Alright, I have a little bit of rudeness…

Dear Microsoft;
I know you need to make money and all that, but you are a trillion dollar company. Please explain to me why it's so necessary to have loud, un-skippable, and sometimes even un-mutable casino game advertisements pre-downloaded into freaking Minesweeper.

I was just chilling in my room on my laptop before bed, watching possibly the world's quietest YouTube channel on full volume just to hear what the guy was saying, while also playing a few very basic computer games in the background. Then, suddenly, these eXTREMELY OBNOXIOUS SOUND EFFECTS START BLARING IN MY EARDRUMS, NEARLY WAKING EVERY HUMAN IN THE ENTIRE HOUSE AND ALMOST COMPLETELY SLAUGHTERING MY ABILITY TO HEAR.
To be fair, there is technically a mute button for some of the ads, but not all, plus it doesn't mute all ads, just the one playing, so you'll still get hit with the same loud music two games later.
Not to mention these ads are 30-45 seconds long and completely un-skippable. that wouldn't normally be too big of a deal for me, I'd just do something else until the ad's over… Except you can't, because the ad refuses to play unless you currently have minesweeper open as the active tab or whatever you call it, so even if you're just typing something in Sticky Notes it refuses to play the ad in the background.
And then, if you try the whole airplane mode trick so the ads won't load, it doesn't work because these casino advertisements are downloaded into the app itself. There's no escaping.
The only way to get rid of these awful little buggers is to pay a monthly/annual subscription… For Minesweeper.

The worst part is, it's like this is every single one of the basic computer games I have, Solitaire, Sudoku, Majhong… And from my understanding, you have to pay different monthly/annual subscriptions for each individual game in order to remove these physically painful advertisements from all of them.

You can do better than this, Microsoft. You really can.


I think it’s okay to a degree, but only if it’s not too much or too hard. The purpose of it should be to punish you child, not to hurt your child.

Deleted user

I fully disagree. I wouldn't do anything like that to my child, I don't want to cause them physical harm no matter what. I'm not gonna be like my parents and I'm not going to make the same mistakes they did with me.

Deleted user

I was punished like that pretty often, and I don't think I turned out my best because of it. I disagree with it also, only because of the negative effects it can have on the child and parents' relationship.

Deleted user

Sorry to butt in, but I was curious and want to add something to this if no one minds.
Spanking in children has a psychological impact on children since it is a violent punishment to stop violent or disruptive outbursts, and this enforces the cognition to change, causing the child to feel as if it is alright for them to act out more violently because mommy and daddy did it to them.
It all comes down to punishments and reinforcements in psychology.
Reinforcement is adding something desirable or taking away something undesirable in a positive way, punishment is taking or adding something in a negative way.
If you merge those two, you get a rather f*ed up situation.
You're speeding, but instead of the officer pulling you over, he rams his car into you, causing you to get injured. Suppose this was normal almost is tho. The cop is an enforcer of the law, and you look up to him. But since he led the example, does that mean you can ram your car into another going 45 in a 40 mph zone? No.
It's the same with a child, but a child doesn't have a completely developed cognition enough to understand this. Monkey see; monkey do, after all.
Now, if you chose to spank your child in a mature manner, explaining the situation they created, then that's fine, just be aware of the threat this can pose. It's my belief that it poses far too much harm than good.
And that was your TED talk by the person who is the incarnation r/iamverysmart.


I think it depends on how the parents do it. My parents spanked me all the time when I was little, but that was because I just didn’t know when to quit. I was passive aggressive and rude and stuff as a little kid. Now though, I don’t talk much at all, and I like to think that I’m less aggressive than I used to be. I also still have a pretty good relationship with my mom (not my dad though bc of other stuff). So I don’t think it hurt me more than it helped me. But that’s just my personal experience, I realize that not everyone is the same.