forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Hey, question: am I allowed to bitch about a specific religion. I don’t mean to be hostile about it, and it’s not a universal thing. It’s more a ‘this is what i’ve seen most often’ kinda thing

Deleted user

Go for it.
Just be aware that some people will bitch back.

You are more than entitled to your opinion. :)


Here goes: I grew up Christian and that was fine and whatever. But once I hit middle school, things started to seem a little off. It didn’t really hit until I got to high school and then part way through freshman year it just hit me that I hated being any form of Christian. The theology of it all didn’t make any sense, people were always saying things they didn’t know were true which led to a lot of confusion. It pisses me off because there are some shit people out there that claim to be Christian but don’t live it. I know that’s not everyone, but it is a lot of them. Then there’s the opposite extreme of people who have this innocent conservative thing going where they’re all like, “Oh, I don’t cuss 😞 it’s wrong 😇” or “Halloween is satanic 😱” or dumb crap like that and it just bothers me a lot.
I know it’s really shitty to have such a personal grudge against a religion. Right now, I know I have a lot of things to work through before I can get over it. For now, though, this is where I stand.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

“The theology of it all” you haven’t seen all Christian theology so there’s that.
And like no one lives up to the Christian religion. Some folks think Halloween is Satanic. That’s a bit weird, but what are you gonna do. I personally try not to cuss, because I want my swearing to have meaning because I like language.
I heard this thing which was “If you were disappointed in the church because of what people did, then your faith was never in the right place to begin with.” Idk if it applies. Either you weren’t listening to whatever they were saying in church or it was a poor one. If the second then it seems your parents have failed in your religious upbringing. But if you come from a Protestantish place then that is pretty common.
If you want to talk religion I’m open.

Deleted user

Unfortunately in this modern world, many people have moved away from the fundamentals and base ideals of (xyz)religion, in favor of preaching and deciphering metaphorical text in a way that gives their social construct power. ie: The whole being 'gay is a sin' bologna.

It's okay to hate it. It just means it wasn't for you.

@Pickles group

Uh… No. You can have stuff that's "not for you" but that doesn't mean that the entire thing is that way and it doesn't mean you get to hate it.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

To add to Pickle’s thing, Christianity is a religion that had spanned almost two thousand years. In modern times it has split into more factions than can be counted. Unless you possess knowledge that the rest of the world does not, there is no way you have seen it all. It is quite reasonable to have negative feelings about one or many specific churches. But rejecting all of Christendom based off of the behavior of one branch is a little shortsighted.

Deleted user

I didn't say that the entire thing was bad, nor was I talking specifically about Christianity. I'm just saying that Overdone is more than entitled to have their opinion (which happens to be hate) on the subject.

You don't have to 'like' anything just because a portion of it is 'good'. That's just nonsense.

Deleted user

It's more than okay for them to hate Christianity based on their experiences with it, which unfortunately are negative. You can't tell someone that they're not allowed to hate something, that invalidates their emotions.

Deleted user

I just did because in this particular case it matters. T_T Before I was talking in general terms.

Meaning, telling someone that they cannot hate something because they don't know every single viewpoint and/or practice/ etc about a subject means that their opinions/experiences in regards to that thing don't matter.

For example: You can't tell me that I can't possibly hate peanut butter because I haven't tried all of the 5 billion variations of it, despite the fact that it makes me throw up. Nonsense am I right?


As Eris said, you are entitled to your opinions and beliefs. But I don't agree with you grouping your experiences to form an entire prejudice against all Christianity. I personally believe that's pretty short-sighted.

It pisses me off because there are some shit people out there that claim to be Christian but don’t live it. I know that’s not everyone, but it is a lot of them. Then there’s the opposite extreme of people who have this innocent conservative thing going where they’re all like, “Oh, I don’t cuss 😞 it’s wrong 😇” or “Halloween is satanic 😱” or dumb crap like that and it just bothers me a lot.

But Overdone, that point can be tied to every religion, I think. There's always going to be people who claim to live by a religion and don't, or have completely devoted their life to every aspect of a religion.

people were always saying things they didn’t know were true which lead to a lot of confusion

'Truth' is weird in religion because there is no exact proof of any god/deity/spirit - (again, applies to all religions).

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I just did because in this particular case it matters. T_T Before I was talking in general terms.

Meaning, telling someone that they cannot hate something because they don't know every single viewpoint and/or practice/ etc about a subject means that their opinions/experiences in regards to that thing don't matter.

For example: You can't tell me that I can't possibly hate peanut butter because I haven't tried all of the 5 billion variations of it, despite the fact that it makes me throw up. Nonsense am I right?

You can’t have peanut butter? That’s what “invalidate emotions” means?

Deleted user

Uh no… no metaphors. Just a mild example that I'm vaguely concerned that no one is getting…

Oh well.

Deleted user

You misunderstood. But reasonably so. You also made my day, so thanks.

In all fairness, I had like, no idea what the fuck what the context was sooo….

Here have a Starkid gif that explains my current predicament: