forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

Yeah Slazo has cleared the already clear air and he's probably going to recover over time now that he's cleared himself. Let's just be happy with that.

Deleted user

OR which way should the toilet paper go: over or under?


jk i go either way lol but mostly under


I know this is possibly the most boring topic in the history of boring topics, but I need to hear other people’s opinions for teaching purposes.

So, fellow artists, how do you feel about the whole tracing thing? Is tracing a photo reference and claiming it as your own artwork bad? What about tracing another person’s art? Are bases ok?

Deleted user

Uh… well, references, as long as one has permission, is fine normally. Tracing over other's art isn't, I've had art stolen from me that way which was kinda the shit. Idk what bases are tho refresh me pls.

@HighPockets group

Not an artist, but I think that tracing a base is fine (assuming bases are what I figure they are, aka blank slates with like expressions or whatever on them). Tracing a photo is probably fine, as long as you credit it, I know a lot of character inspiration images I see on Pinterest are just sketched out versions of photos, with the photos given credit.
Tracing other people's art I would say is not okay, especially if you repost it as your own.


Flush the damned thing down the toilet. Hopefully it gets clogged, because whoever does that in their actual daily life deserves it.