forum Don't Be Suspicious
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There really isn't, not that I can do at least.
I mean, yeah, I could be doing extra school, maybe help feed the goats every once in a while, and there are a few instruments lying around in the basement that I could mess with, but other than that I don't have much besides drawing and dorking around on the interwebs

Deleted user

mhm "at least" come on Ella learning more would be a ton of fun. Also goats are nice.

Deleted user

Yes instrument. Instruments are fun and your brain likes it.


I've been wanting to try playing my sister's old violin for a year but I can't find it anywhere… Every time I ask a parent they're always like "it's too difficult for you, we'd have to get you lessons" and then never sign up for lessons, or find the violin

Deleted user

Bruh wtf your parents need a handbook on what's good for brain. Maybe make a three-trillion long slideshow and convince them


I have been bugging my mom lately and I might be able to start painting thrift store items, take dance lessons, and/or get a chinchilla to take care of so my life isn't so freaking boring, but based on how much she's put it off until later, I don't think anything's happening for another 2 months.


I probably could, that's where I've learned basically everything else…
It's been a while since I bugged someone about the violin thing though, maybe if I ask again something will happen

Deleted user

I probably could, that's where I've learned basically everything else…
It's been a while since I bugged someone about the violin thing though, maybe if I ask again something will happen

Hey Ella, how do you think I got my new flute? By bugging the SHIT out of my parents for two years! And I got it! of course intermediate flutes are faaaarrrr more expensive than a beginner's violin but You can do it!!

Deleted user

I mean….since you're a writer you could you know….read


Deleted user

There's literally a million things you could do other than laze about, but I suppose 'free will' and 'ambition' and what not.


I mean….since you're a writer you could you know….read

Oh yes, because I love reading dictionaries, pocket guides on the many uses of essential oils, and those rhyming, 4-page long superhero books printed on solid cardboard for the sole purpose of teaching preschoolers how to read. Wonderful, really.

…I can’t go to the library, and those are all the books we have, unless I rummage through my sister’s stuff to find the actually interesting books she hides from the rest of us behind locked doors because she doesn’t trust me or anyone in this house with her belongings.



I’m trying, but after scrapping nearly everything in an attempt to make my main ideas actually work, I’m nowhere near the actual writing stage, and most of my worldbuilding is still done sitting around on Notebook

Deleted user

hey uh everyone not to be rude or anything but let's let Ella do what she wants

Deleted user

hey uh everyone not to be rude or anything but let's let Ella do what she wants

which is why we stopped talking about it?

Deleted user

I have some damn tea, my dad keeps blowing his nose into his fucking hand and it sounds like the most nasty-sounding sound ever and I'm 10000000% tempted to throw paper towels at him.