forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I swear if you argue with me, we're gonna have a serious talk in pms about your life, Dom my most bizarre friend.

Deleted user

He'll yell at me but it's disgusting and loud and I hate it

Deleted user

He'll yell at me but it's disgusting and loud and I hate it

Then don’t.

okAY YES I DIDN"T but I wanted to express rudeness in the motion because it's disgusting.

Deleted user

I swear if you argue with me, we're gonna have a serious talk in pms about your life, Dom my most bizarre friend.

I’m interested. What exactly are we going to talk about?

I meant this as a joke. XD I'm not going to lecture you about your hygiene.

Deleted user

Now that I am in a committed and exclusive relationship, I'm finding that I can no longer flirt with the masses to get free items and…..I'm very put out.

Deleted user

Me too man, I've been crying over a girl for the entire day. I need to get a hold of it.

Deleted user

Um….. not what was I was talking about but are you okay????

Deleted user

I dunno man, this girl started to date me, we dated for a week then she told me it was a joke and is now going out with my friend.

Deleted user

What in the fuck is wrong with her.
Hon, if she's playing with people like that then she doesn't deserve love or affection. Let her ruin her own life by being cold and callous. You be the King that you are and let her shit slide right out of your life. You are better than that.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Now that I am in a committed and exclusive relationship, I'm finding that I can no longer flirt with the masses to get free items and…..I'm very put out.

Poor you. I have to learn an entire new language to get free stuff.