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Deleted user

I wouldn't support that guy at all. A reversion of about 20 years makes me feel as if he would stick to older tactics over evolving things further, into something potentially greater. Cutting the certain things out of sex ed also makes no sense, though I'll admit, kids seem to be learning a great deal more than they used to on their own. As for teachers being cut and art classes fizzling, though, I daresay my opinion would be biased. I'm going into art and education, so that seems completely wrong to me.

@Mojack group

I’d also like to clarify it wouldn’t be just art; it would be classes that generally have a smaller amount of students compared to other classes that would probably end up not showing up certain years anymore due to lack of funding.

And I’d like to mention that a lot of teachers are choosing to ignore the changes (at least the ones that they’re actually able to) as of now. They’ve been striking since around mid last year; it’s just one day strikes usually. Last Friday was one of the largest strikes though and resulted a complete shutdown of the school system that day. However for about two weeks there aren’t any planned strikes.
And as someone with one parent who is a teacher, it does affect me as well. You don’t get paid while striking; so we do need to be careful in terms of what we spend our money on for a while.

Oh and then there’s the safe injection sites thing. (Also another topic: what’s everyone’s opinions on safe injection sites?) Basically during the election campaign Ford said he was opposed to safe injection and overdose prevention sites.

Maybe there’s some good things he has done, but I’m having trouble finding them all.
In summary, I can just say a lot of things have been removed and cut right now. And some people still say he’s the best premier Ontario’s ever had and that he should be prime minister of Canada…

And part of the reason why people voted for him was because in the past the liberals made some mistakes; and the NDP one time spent a bunch of money, so people went for the PCP.

@HighPockets group

That was definitely interesting, Mojack, thanks for bringing him up! I would not support him because I want to see the education system advanced, not cut. I'm actually doing a project on the failures of the American education system right now, so it was interesting to see what it's like in Ontario right now!

@Moxie group

Well I don't think it's like a thing that's a question of whether or not it exists. It's not an opinion thing. It's a factual thing that people who are cis males have some kind of priviledge over other genders because of that.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Well, it could be summed up in the halftime show. I don't do sports, but this example works just fine. It was a sex show. Not the most risque or anything, but it was. As the football stuff often is or leads to. And the thing is, those women up there were there for that purpose. Most women who are pop stars or whatever do that because they think it is worth it to be sexual objects for dudes to jack off to in order to make it to the top. And we could say that if it is their choice then there's nothing wrong with it. (Though I personally disagree.) But the fact is that we live in a society that women must be willing to be sexual objects in order to achieve greatness in the market. And that is plain wrong.

Deleted user

But the fact is that we live in a society that women must be willing to be sexual objects in order to achieve greatness in the market.

That is pretty much only true for the entertainment industry.
It's not the same for medical or technology for example.

Deleted user


Being copied is 10/10
not my favorite

Deleted user

I actually like it.
I'm really glad we can debate abortion there.

@Moxie group

I literally just started reading the thing they started about abortion in that chat and I was getting stressed out. Very glad that was banned.

Deleted user

lol 'debate'

someone else made a debate chat. I'm sorry you don't like it, but I think everyone there is enjoying it. Ignore it if it bothers you.