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people_alt 109 followers

Deleted user

I'd love to know how genetically modifying food can get out of control.

thinks Like if corn was made to grow a hundred times faster but gave you cancer.

idk man corn is lit I might have to take that risk

Deleted user

I'd love to know how genetically modifying food can get out of control.

thinks Like if corn was made to grow a hundred times faster but gave you cancer.

All food gives us cancer these days.
Oxygen poisons us it just takes 80(ish) years to do so.

@Pickles group

For my next trick, I'll use this device to filter out the oxygen in the air and breathe carbon dioxide, effectively turning myself into a plant
Holds up ceramic pot

Deleted user

So you could be mercilessly slaughtered to make paper to torture students?

10/10 would do

Deleted user

But with the way our climate is heading you’d probably be hot af

aren't I already?

@Mojack group

wanna add my point onto genetic modification here since we were talking about it in our foods class today

i am personally so-so about it, leaning towards being ‘okay’ with it. I’m not like “YEAH WOOOOO GMOS” when I see them, but I don’t mind them.

a little fun fact is that American milk isn’t really sold in Canada because of all of the antibiotics put into it, and that same stuff applies into GMOs; we do have them here in Canada but our regulations are a little different.

and the genetically modified foods can have risks to them, like toxic or allergenic compounds. but i haven’t heard of cases of people getting sick from result of the genetic modification on its own, there were other factors to that as well.

even then a good portion of food that we see today is genetically modified and a lot of people don’t realize it lol. historically humans were able to breed watermelons to look quite different; same with bananas. and guess what; both of those things are pretty safe to eat.

so i personally think it’s okay and should be allowed but with everything it should have its regulations.