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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I have a topic that might be interesting?
Should books (YA and adult books in particular) come with content/trigger warnings?

Good topic. I mean, I don't think so because spoilers. But perhaps in categories like pg13 type stuff so you know this book probably contains x or y or z.

@Pickles group

I feel like that kind of comes in the description. Like, if you know what it's about you should be able to figure out if there's going to be triggering content? But I also don't read much contemporary so I could be wildly wrong

Deleted user

I think it depends on the book. at the end of the day its an adult book so it would be filled with adult content that could potentially be triggering. i think its not a good idea but it should completely be the authors choice.

@HighPockets group

I feel like it depends on what the content is, and the genre of the book. Like, if there's an overly gory scene in a contemporary or a romance, or gratuitous/detailed rape in anything.

Deleted user

here's a debate topic
do I wash my hair today and embrace the uncontrollable floof
or be lazy and keep wasting my braincells on memes tonight

Deleted user

I feel like it depends on what the content is, and the genre of the book. Like, if there's an overly gory scene in a contemporary or a romance, or gratuitous/detailed rape in anything.

im just gonna ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

here's a debate topic
do I wash my hair today and embrace the uncontrollable floof
or be lazy and keep wasting my braincells on memes tonight

If washing the hair will make you feel good afterwards, do it.
(Note: This advise should not always be used.)

@HighPockets group

Gore in a horror novel can go unmarked (unless it's something very over-the-top and gratuitous), but stuff like that in a contemporary should probably be marked, imo.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

(Though now that I think of it, it's like the opposite of do what feels good now… I like it I think. Alright kids! If it will make you better/stronger/more insert good thing then do it. Even if it doesn't feel good now. This has been Dom Advice.)

@HighPockets group

('Dom Advice' reminds me of when one of my friends accidentally combined the words 'mom' and 'dad', and said 'dom'. My other friend's reactions were probably exactly what you think they were.)

Deleted user

here's a debate topic
do I wash my hair today and embrace the uncontrollable floof
or be lazy and keep wasting my braincells on memes tonight

this is not a debate topic

@Anemone eco

I mean. I kind of have a topic: Genetic modification. Of food to be specific. Should it still be a thing or are there too many risks?

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Because. We don't want it to get out of control. If it gets out of control, the big business people will be like; "we need more money say bye-bye to the safety regulations" and eventually start the apocalypse or something

Deleted user

I'd love to know how genetically modifying food can get out of control.