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people_alt 109 followers

@HighPockets group

I don't know where I stand between socialism and capitalism. I think that capitalism is a flawed system, and I think that people who are obscenely rich should be taxed (i.e. the people who have no way of ethically making their money, or who have excessive amounts, like billionaires.)

@HighPockets group

Because it's unethical to pay workers $7.25 an hour when they have to realistically support themselves and their family. Sure, it's fine for some teenagers looking for a summer job, but it's too low to make a decent living off.

Deleted user

Make it so minimum wage jobs have the skills to transfer over to career based positions.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Because it's unethical to pay workers $7.25 an hour when they have to realistically support themselves and their family. Sure, it's fine for some teenagers looking for a summer job, but it's too low to make a decent living off.

Why do we pay people more than minimum wage? (Slightly rhetorical but I expect an answer.)

@HighPockets group

Because it's unethical to pay workers $7.25 an hour when they have to realistically support themselves and their family. Sure, it's fine for some teenagers looking for a summer job, but it's too low to make a decent living off.

Why do we pay people more than minimum wage? (Slightly rhetorical but I expect an answer.)

Because some jobs require higher training, but I feel like people undervalue people who do jobs in, say, retail or the food industry, because they still take a lot of work.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Because it's unethical to pay workers $7.25 an hour when they have to realistically support themselves and their family. Sure, it's fine for some teenagers looking for a summer job, but it's too low to make a decent living off.

Why do we pay people more than minimum wage? (Slightly rhetorical but I expect an answer.)

Because some jobs require higher training, but I feel like people undervalue people who do jobs in, say, retail or the food industry, because they still take a lot of work.

In other words, there's a scarcity. So the price goes up.
Do they take a lot of work? I mean, it's exhausting, but almost anyone can do it. It doesn't require brains or brawn or a high level education. So why should they get paid a lot? The boss isn't paying for their time, it's for the work s/he gets out of it. And because anyone (approximately, of course) can do it, it is lower value; and thus is paid less.

Deleted user

Make it so minimum wage jobs have the skills to transfer over to career based positions.

What has that to do with the pay?

Everything. People need the skill set to obtain higher pay and better jobs.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Make it so minimum wage jobs have the skills to transfer over to career based positions.

What has that to do with the pay?

Everything. People need the skill set to obtain higher pay and better jobs.

But the jobs are not meant to help the worker. They are to help the boss. We could argue about this, but the job culture of America is self serving, as is much of the fallen human nature.

Deleted user

Because it's unethical to pay workers $7.25 an hour when they have to realistically support themselves and their family. Sure, it's fine for some teenagers looking for a summer job, but it's too low to make a decent living off.

Why do we pay people more than minimum wage? (Slightly rhetorical but I expect an answer.)

Because some jobs require higher training, but I feel like people undervalue people who do jobs in, say, retail or the food industry, because they still take a lot of work.

In other words, there's a scarcity. So the price goes up.
Do they take a lot of work? I mean, it's exhausting, but almost anyone can do it. It doesn't require brains or brawn or a high level education. So why should they get paid a lot? The boss isn't paying for their time, it's for the work s/he gets out of it. And because anyone (approximately, of course) can do it, it is lower value; and thus is paid less.

Actually. You'd be surprised how much brains & brawn it takes to work a minimum wage job.
Most people with minimum wage jobs are students (trying to pay their way through a ridiculous tuition), immigrants (trying to pay just to live in this country), people with mental health issues (trying to pay for their livelihood, or have some independence), or people who have always had nothing in their lives (trying to make this better)

its people like that who deserve to be paid at least a proper amount to put food on their table and support a roof over their heads.

@Pickles group

Make it so minimum wage jobs have the skills to transfer over to career based positions.

What has that to do with the pay?

Everything. People need the skill set to obtain higher pay and better jobs.

But the jobs are not meant to help the worker. They are to help the boss. We could argue about this, but the job culture of America is self serving, as is much of the fallen human nature.

Customers, really. Because they pay. The boss gets paid, they don't pay the company

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Actually. You'd be surprised how much brains & brawn it takes to work a minimum wage job.
Most people with minimum wage jobs are students (trying to pay their way through a ridiculous tuition), immigrants (trying to pay just to live in this country), people with mental health issues (trying to pay for their livelihood, or have some independence), or people who have always had nothing in their lives (trying to make this better)

its people like that who deserve to be paid at least a proper amount to put food on their table and support a roof over their heads.

Name some examples.
And I'm sure you're right about who get's those jobs. But like I said, the jobs aren't there for the workers.
Why do they deserve this?

Deleted user

Actually. You'd be surprised how much brains & brawn it takes to work a minimum wage job.
Most people with minimum wage jobs are students (trying to pay their way through a ridiculous tuition), immigrants (trying to pay just to live in this country), people with mental health issues (trying to pay for their livelihood, or have some independence), or people who have always had nothing in their lives (trying to make this better)

its people like that who deserve to be paid at least a proper amount to put food on their table and support a roof over their heads.

Name some examples.
And I'm sure you're right about who get's those jobs. But like I said, the jobs aren't there for the workers.
Why do they deserve this?

  • Basic, basic business knowledge
  • Ability to work with others
  • Further, ability to work with difficult people
  • Ability to follow directions
  • Ability to handle stress
  • Ability to do difficult and unpleasant tasks
  • Ability to focus

Deleted user

Actually. You'd be surprised how much brains & brawn it takes to work a minimum wage job.
Most people with minimum wage jobs are students (trying to pay their way through a ridiculous tuition), immigrants (trying to pay just to live in this country), people with mental health issues (trying to pay for their livelihood, or have some independence), or people who have always had nothing in their lives (trying to make this better)

its people like that who deserve to be paid at least a proper amount to put food on their table and support a roof over their heads.

Name some examples.
And I'm sure you're right about who get's those jobs. But like I said, the jobs aren't there for the workers.
Why do they deserve this?

So fricken commanding, dude. Jeepers.

mmkay–example of brains working at starbucks:

A barista needs to be able to do really quick math to properly queue drinks in a way that they can get them out to the customers quickly and efficiently. They also need to be able to think on their feet for all kinds of situations that customers, the bar, the machines, etc throw at you only a second by second basis. To be a barista your brain needs to be going a mile a minute. Not to mention the herculean task of ordering all the stock for the store and maintaining the inventory, creating schedules, promoting events, learning new recipes.
Brawns: The endurance and patience one needs is incredible. A barista is literally on their feet for their entire shift, running around, bending, lifting, cleaning, stretching, etc. and shifts on average are 6 to 8 hours long. Lets not forget all the bullshit they have to deal with from the customers.

Im sure that this applies to most retail/food places.
It takes a lot out of a person to work a minimum wage job.

The jobs are there for the workers Dom. If there were no workers there would be no production. Why do you think they're always hiring?

They deserve it because they're there. Putting up with all the shit that they have to, to make one lousy asshole happy.