forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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Deleted user

Miriam, why do you always get so mad over small things that don't even concern you? I'm not trying to be rude, I'm genuinely asking.

Because I don't like people being bitches for no reason :))))

@Moxie group

Miriam, why do you always get so mad over small things that don't even concern you? I'm not trying to be rude, I'm genuinely asking.

Because I don't like people being bitches for no reason :))))

Okay but then like . . . you seem like a bitch for no reason when you start arguing over random things that aren't related to you. (I realize that sounds rude, but I'm genuinely not trying to be. I'm honestly just confused.)

Deleted user

I'm sorry for saying that I don't like being imitated. Im sure you wouldn't either if a bunch of users on a website consistantly copied you and your ideas.

This was one time, Eris.

No actually it's not. Ive had characters copied, prompts, story ideas, my personality…. I could go on but Im getting bored of this conversation. I've noticed a lot more shit than you, so dont pretend like you know everything Im talking about okay? Thank you.

Have you ever considered that in the writing world, a lot of people have similar ideas and characters? And that maybe you're not the only one who is a self described "badass," has similar interests, and is like you in any way????

Honestly. Forgive me, but get over yourself.

That's not what I was talking about. I know the difference between a 'similar character' and someone ripping off my idea. Everything of mine is private now because of this reason. You're defending people and/or you dont even know anything about just for the sake of trying to prove me wrong.

Respectfully, step off. You don't know what is or has gone on regarding my works.

Actually, I do know a bit about this situation because I've spoken directly with people who felt/actually were accused of copying users' work, including your own. But sure sure.

And no, I'm not just doing this to prove you wrong. I'm honestly saying that people have similar ideas all the time.

But sure. Continue to make this a big deal.

I'm not. I'm just defending a user who had a really good idea for a chat in a conversation you started.

If you're so offended by people 'copying' your ideas, then why don't we go back to Ella's point {which you refused to address} about how there was already a debate chat when you made this one?

There was a chat previously where Dom and I used to debate constantly about everything, was it an actual debate chat? No. Which is why I made this one. I made it specifically for Dom and I when we first made friends.

So again.

Please stop talking about stuff you don't know about.

I know more than you think I do. Don't pretend you know me.

I know that you know absolutely nothing about the history of my chat.
This. Literally. Has. Nothing. To. Do. With. You.

Let it go.

You get upset with me for 'pretending to know you,' yet do it to me all the time… yet I'm the local hypocrite. Hmm.

Deleted user

Miriam, why do you always get so mad over small things that don't even concern you? I'm not trying to be rude, I'm genuinely asking.

Because I don't like people being bitches for no reason :))))

Okay but then like . . . you seem like a bitch for no reason when you start arguing over random things that aren't related to you. (I realize that sounds rude, but I'm genuinely not trying to be. I'm honestly just confused.)

If standing up for what I believe in makes me sound like a bitch, then I guess I'm a bitch.

But I never asked for your 'advice.'

@Moxie group

Miriam, why do you always get so mad over small things that don't even concern you? I'm not trying to be rude, I'm genuinely asking.

Because I don't like people being bitches for no reason :))))

Okay but then like . . . you seem like a bitch for no reason when you start arguing over random things that aren't related to you. (I realize that sounds rude, but I'm genuinely not trying to be. I'm honestly just confused.)

If standing up for what I believe in makes me sound like a bitch, then I guess I'm a bitch.

But I never asked for your 'advice.'

I wasn't trying to give advice. I was just confused and then pointed out something that I noticed. That's all. Sorry you took it the wrong way.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

There was a chat previously where Dom and I used to debate constantly about everything, was it an actual debate chat? No. Which is why I made this one. I made it specifically for Dom and I when we first made friends.

This fighting is not pleasant, but may I say to this part here, aww!

Deleted user

Miriam, why do you always get so mad over small things that don't even concern you? I'm not trying to be rude, I'm genuinely asking.

Because I don't like people being bitches for no reason :))))

Okay but then like . . . you seem like a bitch for no reason when you start arguing over random things that aren't related to you. (I realize that sounds rude, but I'm genuinely not trying to be. I'm honestly just confused.)

If standing up for what I believe in makes me sound like a bitch, then I guess I'm a bitch.

But I never asked for your 'advice.'

I wasn't trying to give advice. I was just confused and then pointed out something that I noticed. That's all. Sorry you took it the wrong way.

I have a hunch I took it exactly the way you wanted me to.
But okay.
It's fine.

@Moxie group

Miriam, why do you always get so mad over small things that don't even concern you? I'm not trying to be rude, I'm genuinely asking.

Because I don't like people being bitches for no reason :))))

Okay but then like . . . you seem like a bitch for no reason when you start arguing over random things that aren't related to you. (I realize that sounds rude, but I'm genuinely not trying to be. I'm honestly just confused.)

If standing up for what I believe in makes me sound like a bitch, then I guess I'm a bitch.

But I never asked for your 'advice.'

I wasn't trying to give advice. I was just confused and then pointed out something that I noticed. That's all. Sorry you took it the wrong way.

I have a hunch I took it exactly the way you wanted me to.
But okay.
It's fine.

How did you think I wanted you to take it?

@Moxie group

I’m sorry
I didn’t know this would escalate much
I shouldn’t have said anything
can we please change the subject-

Oops sorry, just saw this.
You didn't do anything wrong
If it helps, I swear I'm legitimately not trying to be a jerk, I'm just trying to talk

Deleted user

Miriam, why do you always get so mad over small things that don't even concern you? I'm not trying to be rude, I'm genuinely asking.

Because I don't like people being bitches for no reason :))))

Okay but then like . . . you seem like a bitch for no reason when you start arguing over random things that aren't related to you. (I realize that sounds rude, but I'm genuinely not trying to be. I'm honestly just confused.)

If standing up for what I believe in makes me sound like a bitch, then I guess I'm a bitch.

But I never asked for your 'advice.'

I wasn't trying to give advice. I was just confused and then pointed out something that I noticed. That's all. Sorry you took it the wrong way.

I have a hunch I took it exactly the way you wanted me to.
But okay.
It's fine.

How did you think I wanted you to take it?

Sigh I don't have the energy for this right now.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I’m sorry
I didn’t know this would escalate much
I shouldn’t have said anything
can we please change the subject-

Oops sorry, just saw this.
You didn't do anything wrong
If it helps, I swear I'm legitimately not trying to be a jerk, I'm just trying to talk

I think most of us realize this.

@Pickles group

I’m sorry
I didn’t know this would escalate much
I shouldn’t have said anything
can we please change the subject-

Oops sorry, just saw this.
You didn't do anything wrong
If it helps, I swear I'm legitimately not trying to be a jerk, I'm just trying to talk

I think most of us realize this.

I don't think you sounded like a jerk

@Moxie group

I’m sorry
I didn’t know this would escalate much
I shouldn’t have said anything
can we please change the subject-

Oops sorry, just saw this.
You didn't do anything wrong
If it helps, I swear I'm legitimately not trying to be a jerk, I'm just trying to talk

I think most of us realize this.

I don't think you sounded like a jerk

Oh good thank you
Idk I was worried I was and that Miriam was mad at me over it

Deleted user

Oh good thank you
Idk I was worried I was and that Miriam was mad at me over it

I'm mad over me right now. me existing and being alive.