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people_alt 109 followers

@saor_illust school

What? lol it isn't mine btw their username on another site literally used to be "Ingmar, Spoon Connoisseur" It's something they bring up all the time


Torture is inhumane and horrible.

Agreed, but is it justifiable? In extreme cases where the information you're seeking is more valuable?

@saor_illust school

Torture is inhumane and horrible.

Agreed, but is it justifiable? In extreme cases where the information you're seeking is more valuable?

I'm not sure, in some cases, it may be, but what about the potential trauma of it in the long-term? Family members? What if the efforts are all in vain? (Sorry I'm just throwing in my input)


I'm not sure, in some cases, it may be, but what about the potential trauma of it in the long-term? Family members? What if the efforts are all in vain? (Sorry I'm just throwing in my input)

Don't have to apologize for giving your opinion :D
And if the victim of torture was on their way to execution either way?

@saor_illust school

Oki thx

I guess then it would be justifiable? But what about animals, living creatures other than humans? Is the torture of animals justifiable? Honestly a quick and easy execution would be much, much, more humane, and the animal would die without pain.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I'm not sure, in some cases, it may be, but what about the potential trauma of it in the long-term? Family members? What if the efforts are all in vain? (Sorry I'm just throwing in my input)

Don't have to apologize for giving your opinion :D
And if the victim of torture was on their way to execution either way?

Torture is a greater harm than killing someone. And it doesn’t work. And people deserve rights no matter how terrible they are unless those rights have to be taken away to protect innocent people.

Deleted user

Most would disagree and say that choosing to commit a terrible crime is willingly giving up the right to have humane treatment as a direct response to their crime.


Most would disagree and say that choosing to commit a terrible crime is willingly giving up the right to have humane treatment as a direct response to their crime.

I disagree with that

Deleted user

Unpopular opinion: Hunting is horrible and shouldn't be a thing.

Deleted user

It's not like our ancestors did it to survive or anything.

Deleted user

We don't need to anymore. There's no need to kill wild animals for sport.


Unpopular opinion: Hunting is horrible and shouldn't be a thing.

Well. It was justifiable before. But these days, with the more humane animal culture and the hunting that's done on endangered animals for rare products, it should not be a thing.

Deleted user

Unpopular opinion: Hunting is horrible and shouldn't be a thing.

Well. It was justifiable before. But these days, with the more humane animal culture and the hunting that's done on endangered animals for rare products, it should not be a thing.


Deleted user

But that's not how hunting works in most developed countries.

Hunting on endangered animals is actually poaching which is wildly illegal. Not to mention that hunting in third world countries is not regulated like it is here. Why do you think people go to Africa and such for that? Because that kind of hunting is illegal in the more modern countries.

@Mojack group

Also, hunting is done in certain cultures (even in the modern world) that know how to use the animal once they have hunted it.

Here’s an article here; ignore the learning objectives part, but I found some parts to be interesting and they might relate to some of the conversation here.

Not all hunting is bad. Poaching isn’t good, which is why (like Eris said already) they go to third world countries, where it isn’t as regulated. However, not all people live in places where store foods may not be accessible, or like in the article, it may not be as healthy for them, either.