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Deleted user

Are you allergic to gluten? Because I will make an exception for you. :P

@Moxie group

I have a gluten sensitivity. I can tell when I’ve had gluten because I get really really spacey. My short term memory gets worse. And its even hard to read. It feels like the letters are floating around on the page.
So I wouldn’t technically die or need to go to the hospital but my life sucks a lot less when I don’t eat gluten
But then it sucks in a different way because bread is delicious

Deleted user

Oh lord I couldn't live without bread. D:
I am so sorry you must suffer so.

Deleted user

I live off of fruit. It's literally the reason why I still exist


Gluten-free isn't always bad, I had a gluten-free pumpkin bread the other day and it was possibly some of the best bread I'd ever tasted, which is saying a lot

Deleted user

I'm going to be a washingtonian by the end of the year. O.o

Deleted user

Dude where do you live it's 2:48 PM where I am

3:57 PM

I woke up one hour ago