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Deleted user

And addiction of said drugs should be treated as a mental health issue or as a sickness, not with jail time.

Deleted user

And addiction of said drugs should be treated as a mental health issue or as a sickness, not with jail time.


@HighPockets group


I swear if I see one more drug awareness ad that treats drug addicts are these heartless soulless monsters because they happen to be addicted to something that causes actual harmful issues I will throw something.

Deleted user

All addiction commercials suck. And a lot of the time they really hurt & offend people who are addicts or know/are related to one {me.}

Deleted user

They all play into the conception that mental illness is shameful and it's your fault for having it, which is why the commercials suck butt

Don't sub this. It's the truth

@Mojack group

And there’s a drug problem in my town as well. Luckily the commercials aren’t as bad from what I’ve seen where I live.

But mental illness should not be shamed. It should be looked into, to see how they can help the person with it.


If I remember correctly, there is a nation that actually did legalize all drugs and surprise surprise, the country didn't fall like Rome overnight. I think it was…. Googles it to make sure Portugal, 2001.

The crime rate has gone down, especially in drug related cases, because now if you want drugs, you don't have to hide from the police just to have your drugs. No need for a violent shootout over cocaine.

@GameMaster group

There’s actually a very interesting project going on which gives people who are addicted to illegal drugs a space to use them in progressively smaller amounts. They are all supervised and it’s helping people with their addictions because going cold turkey can lead to extreme rebounds.

Deleted user

Who would have thought that treating humans like humans instead of crazed animals would work so well?


It was something I learned in English.

Speaking of high school, to this day one of my least favourite assignments was in my Freshman year. My school was one one where they realized "Oh no, we've been teaching so much unnecessary stuff that we forgot important things!" and tried to cram a bunch of unrelated things into one year. Anyway, we had a health class which was mostly reasonable, but it had a very major flaw, the drug section.

First we watched a few documentaries which first off, made all illegal drugs these horrible things that made you a horrible criminal that needed to be in prison, and second one of the ones we watched tried to compare the "Big Four" or whatever they were called: Weed, Coke, Meth, and Heroine. It tried to claim their goal was to compare and contrast but all I saw was a lot of comparing. The tests were set up where a person would do a test that trust me, they wouldn't normally do under the circumstances of being high if they were smart.

After the documentaries, we the students had a n assignment where we would report the effects of drugs. The only catch is that if we listed a positive, we had to list about ten more negatives, including ones that have little proof, or happen so little often that they really are not worth mentioning.

I (and my group, because this was a group project for some reason), got Marijuana.

We made it look worse than it is, as the system wants us too.