forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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people_alt 109 followers

Deleted user

How come? Have a better tan?

I'm pale by choice. I tan like a motherfooker.

Deleted user

It's….a little humorous with really sad undertones.
And off I guess?
idk how to describe

Deleted user

Woah Jynnie I thought you were older we're actually pretty close in age!!

Deleted user

Dom doesn't count. He's my spirit guide. And my Awesome Bitch Squad™ are my children

Deleted user

Also bold of you to assume that I'd want to repeat high school

Deleted user

Well then you’d have different genetics and be a different person. Unless it was the same personality reincarnated in a different body.

I'm already costa rican Dom.

Deleted user

But that still doesn’t answer the question of how would look better if you were born there.

People born in other places are cooler. :D

Deleted user

Dom doesn't count. He's my spirit guide. And my Awesome Bitch Squad™ are my children

I’m a spirit guide! Awesome! What exactly does that mean and entail?

You're Phineas, I'm Ferb.
Make sense?