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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Bacon is okay but it’s best consumed on a BLT or something similar so it’s not as intensely greasy

Or you could just get turkey bacon. Turkey bacon’s delicious.

Nah, you gotta have a good MLT, where the mutton is nice and lean….

And the tomato is ripe. I love that.

Deleted user

I ate breakfast now. But it’s almost one here.

That's called brunch

@GameMaster group

I think it really depends on the pizza bc at my school when you get pizza you also need a stack of napkins to soak up all the grease so it’s actually edible. My grandma’s pizza however is like the best thing ever. On fresh pita shredded cheese, feta, sliced tomato, calamata olives, and a bunch of spices. Soooooo good.

@Mojack group

I have pizza loving friends who know a good pizza when they see it and even the pizza they consider quality I don’t like.

Some people (like me) just don’t like it.

Deleted user


Pizza Pizza Pizza Pizza Pizza

What a weekend I have had that I've literally eaten everything that had been mentioned in this convo. aside from the mutton

@Mojack group

I disagree about pizza, but my friend tells me I am no longer to decide what's good food and what's bad food because I announced I wanted to try fried tarantula. (And insects in general, as long as they're not alive.)

He jokingly says that of course, but seriously, I don't like pizza UNLESS it's one of those make-your-own pizza kits things. And even then it's on thin ice.