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people_alt 109 followers


Also. Who here likes Pirates of the Caribbean? (No spoilers, please. I've only watched the first one)

quietly raises hand

You always will remember this as the day you almost caught CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow.

@Pickles group

Me = chaotic evil
Dom = chaotic good
Jynnie = chaotic awesome

Chaotic laughter
So Oberon, Titania, and Puck?

Whoo I get to be Titania!

As long as you stay away from any and all donkeys.

Wheezes dom you're just the queen type. Told ya

@saor_illust school

Also. Who here likes Pirates of the Caribbean? (No spoilers, please. I've only watched the first one)

quietly raises hand

You always will remember this as the day you almost caught CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow.

Ahaha I remember that line.

"Why is the rum gone?" lol

Deleted user

I am the worst

Your fine Eris, that's my bad. I kept forgetting to tell you because I have the memory of my Nana Florence.

It's all good! I was just trying to figure out who cared about being my friend so much. :D It made me confused but oddly happy.

Deleted user

Me = chaotic evil
Dom = chaotic good
Jynnie = chaotic awesome

Chaotic laughter
So Oberon, Titania, and Puck?

Whoo I get to be Titania!

As long as you stay away from any and all donkeys.

Chaotic laughter abruptly stops. Yes. Good idea.

I. Cannot. Breathe.


Deleted user

Why the hell you scared of fat??? Fat is good for the mind, body, and soul.

Where did you get this information????? And some of us just can't eat whatever we want whenever we want

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Why the hell you scared of fat??? Fat is good for the mind, body, and soul.

Where did you get this information????? And some of us just can't eat whatever we want whenever we want

The brain is made out of fat. Too little fat and you will die. I can’t be 100% certain on the soul bit but it makes me feel good. Well I’m afraid you have a very sad weirdness. Too bad about the beans. And the ground Lol.

@GameMaster group

Fat is actually very good for you. Fat doesn’t make you fat, sugar does. I just don’t like bacon because I’m a lightweight when it comes to fatty, sweet food.


Bacon is okay but it’s best consumed on a BLT or something similar so it’s not as intensely greasy

Or you could just get turkey bacon. Turkey bacon’s delicious.

@HighPockets group

Bacon is okay but it’s best consumed on a BLT or something similar so it’s not as intensely greasy

Or you could just get turkey bacon. Turkey bacon’s delicious.

Nah, you gotta have a good MLT, where the mutton is nice and lean….

@Mojack group

Bacon is..alright. I don’t really like it that much though.

Now, I’m gonna spit something that may or may not be unpopular; but: pizza is also disgusting. I’ll eat it if I have to or have nothing else to eat, but that’s about it. I’ve never understood the world’s love of pizza and why whenever a place such as a school or something has a celebration, pizza is generally the meal of choice.