forum Crushes
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@Pickles group

Someone explain crushes to me please, I'm ace/aro, and I really don't understand, but I'd like to! xD Teach me with your experiences that I will never have xD

As someone who is ace, I relate and I'm starting to wonder if my crush is actually a crush at all


You can be attracted to someone romantically without feeling sexual attraction. And from what I've seen on here, I think your interactions with your crush are adorable and pure.

Deleted user

Oh, crushes are basically the best and worst thing to happen to mankind. If you've been on a rollercoaster, you know that butterfly feeling you get when you go off a big drop. Yeah, well around a crush, or just talking about them, you get mini butterflies like that in your stomach. And usually the room suddenly feels oddly warm, making you wonder if someone turned on the heat, or someone is just radiating heat. Oh, and your brain goes all mushy. Like, right after a long test or during one it becomes hard to think up coherent sentences. That's what happens around a crush. You usually say stuff you don't mean to, and end up embarrassing yourself. If you saw Avengers Endgame, you probably couldn't stop thinking and rethinking about that ending. Just replace that ending with the face or actions of one specific person. A cycling roll of thoughts that just keep swirling around in your brain like flies. And if you admire someone, that's how you usually feel about your crush. You can't help but notice the smallest things they do and you are just like, "Wow, this person is human? I don't believe it." I could go on and on about what it's like to have a crush.

There's a reason my current username has heaven-and-hell right now

@Pickles group

You can be attracted to someone romantically without feeling sexual attraction. And from what I've seen on here, I think your interactions with your crush are adorable and pure.

Yeah just… I don't know


Oh, crushes are basically the best and worst thing to happen to mankind. If you've been on a rollercoaster, you know that butterfly feeling you get when you go off a big drop. Yeah, well around a crush, or just talking about them, you get mini butterflies like that in your stomach. And usually the room suddenly feels oddly warm, making you wonder if someone turned on the heat, or someone is just radiating heat. Oh, and your brain goes all mushy. Like, right after a long test or during one it becomes hard to think up coherent sentences. That's what happens around a crush. You usually say stuff you don't mean to, and end up embarrassing yourself. If you saw Avengers Endgame, you probably couldn't stop thinking and rethinking about that ending. Just replace that ending with the face or actions of one specific person. A cycling roll of thoughts that just keep swirling around in your brain like flies. And if you admire someone, that's how you usually feel about your crush. You can't help but notice the smallest things they do and you are just like, "Wow, this person is human? I don't believe it." I could go on and on about what it's like to have a crush.

Wow, sounds wild xDD I think, I'm pretty glad I don't have those feelings, but best of luck to all of you who have crushes :D May it turn out great for you!

@Pickles-Your-Average-Last-Resort-Friend xDD I feel that. It's so hard to know some of this stuff sometimes xD


You can be attracted to someone romantically without feeling sexual attraction. And from what I've seen on here, I think your interactions with your crush are adorable and pure.

Yeah just… I don't know

it's okay not to know. i've identified as pretty much every letter of lgbt at this point, and whenever i would be confused about something, i'd realize that i'd been policing my thoughts to steer a certain way bc i was scared where they might go if i let them be. so my advice is, take some time and let go of your thoughts and let them do whatever and distract yourself with something else for a week or two. and then when the time feels right and you feel like it's drawing your attention again, come back to it. the answer might surprise you. but no matter what the answer is, it's completely alright and nobody's going to think less of you either way.


YOU GUYS I haven't been on this chat in AGES but everyone else I know is asleep so I just need to say that

I was having a terrible day today but this guy that I've been talking to for a while??? Who I caught myself catching feelings for several weeks ago but repressed them because I didn't want to ruin our friendship??? He just asked me out and I'm SOBBING my terrible day is a lot less terrible, I just needed to tell s o m e b o d y this has never happened before

@Pickles group

He… He super glued his fingers together. On accident. In chemistry. I took chem last year and we didn't use super glue at all and how does one ACCIDENTALLY super glue their fingers

Deleted user

Ew these feelings

Make them go away

Relatable, there's this girl i like, i got two classes with her buti can't bring myself to talk to her, im terrified

@Elder-God-Whisper work

YOU GUYS I haven't been on this chat in AGES but everyone else I know is asleep so I just need to say that

I was having a terrible day today but this guy that I've been talking to for a while??? Who I caught myself catching feelings for several weeks ago but repressed them because I didn't want to ruin our friendship??? He just asked me out and I'm SOBBING my terrible day is a lot less terrible, I just needed to tell s o m e b o d y this has never happened before