forum Crushes
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

YOU GUYS I haven't been on this chat in AGES but everyone else I know is asleep so I just need to say that

I was having a terrible day today but this guy that I've been talking to for a while??? Who I caught myself catching feelings for several weeks ago but repressed them because I didn't want to ruin our friendship??? He just asked me out and I'm SOBBING my terrible day is a lot less terrible, I just needed to tell s o m e b o d y this has never happened before


That's so cool!! Congratulations man!

Deleted user

YOU GUYS I haven't been on this chat in AGES but everyone else I know is asleep so I just need to say that

I was having a terrible day today but this guy that I've been talking to for a while??? Who I caught myself catching feelings for several weeks ago but repressed them because I didn't want to ruin our friendship??? He just asked me out and I'm SOBBING my terrible day is a lot less terrible, I just needed to tell s o m e b o d y this has never happened before


That's so cool!! Congratulations man!

Congratulations, I'm so happy for you!!!!!


Guys! He came to the football game! I got to talk to him for a few hours. I haven't gotten to do that for 3 months! I'm so happy he showed up! That makes me happy, ugh he's so adorable, he loves music it's fantastic.

Deleted user

Hhhhhhhhhhhhh, my crush just squeezed my face and held my hand and I'm not okay, but he's already dating someone else

@Pickles group

Haha my crush told me he was drunk on the way home from the football game last night and I have never had more resolve to stop liking a person

@soupnana group

My crush changes between an American to a British accent mid-conversation and it's adorable. And when a girl tried to "flirt" with him by trying to take his sock, he just stared at her and was like (in his British accent), "What are you doing? That's my stocking you heathen!" I was dying.


I'm sorry :( That really stinks. Honestly though, We aren't even friends really, he knows me and I him, but other than that, he wouldn't even think twice about me


what kind of thought process must you have to think 'oooooo im going to flirt with this guy by stealing his sock. genius plan'

aaaaaaa nooo rainy (and soup!) that's the worst :(

@soupnana group

what kind of thought process must you have to think 'oooooo im going to flirt with this guy by stealing his sock. genius plan'

aaaaaaa nooo rainy (and soup!) that's the worst :(

Ha ha! Exactly! After trying to take his sock, she tried to take his shoe. She was also sitting under a table backstage barking at him while he was on stage. 🤷🏿‍♀️ I'm not worried about her actually getting him though just because of this. 😂

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Speaking of crushes and/or SO's with accents, my GF has an australian accent and it kills me and I wish they did it more but how tf do you tell someone, "Hey, I really like your accent, so much that I hyperventilate but in a good way, so could you possibly do it more often when I'm talking to you? Yeah, thanks."

@Pickles group

Speaking of crushes and/or SO's with accents, my GF has an australian accent and it kills me and I wish they did it more but how tf do you tell someone, "Hey, I really like your accent, so much that I hyperventilate but in a good way, so could you possibly do it more often when I'm talking to you? Yeah, thanks."

"Your accent is so pretty"?

Deleted user

Aaaaahhhhh so i have a boyfriend, who's across the country, and he likes my accent (it's very boston-ish) and idk what his is but honestly his voice is so pretty???

Deleted user

Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh my crush just squished my face and called me a baby and awwed. I'm not okay

@Pickles group

Haha my crush told me he was drunk on the way home from the football game last night and I have never had more resolve to stop liking a person

Oh yes update: he told me Saturday that he was just tired. Still very resolved to stop liking him

@soupnana group

Speaking of crushes and/or SO's with accents, my GF has an australian accent and it kills me and I wish they did it more but how tf do you tell someone, "Hey, I really like your accent, so much that I hyperventilate but in a good way, so could you possibly do it more often when I'm talking to you? Yeah, thanks."

"Your accent is so pretty"?

"Your accent is so beautiful!"